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Generate New Time Variable generate newt tq 1974q1 t 1 Declare Data to be Time Series using newt tsset newt quarterly Inflation in the US Declare data to be time series tsset time quarterly Lag my PUNEW CPI variable 4 periods using the Lag Operator generate punew4 L4 punew Generate Variable for Inflation from Quarterly Data generate inflation punew punew4 punew4 100 Generate Graph for Time Series Plot of inflation tsline inflation Summarize Highest Grade Completed and Wage Income For everybody summarize hgc wage inc Summarize Same Varibales by Sex of Respondent Generate dummy variable for males if variable already exists use replace instead of generate generate male sex 1 Alternative Way generate male2 1 if sex 1 replace male2 0 if sex 2 GOAL Get summary statistics by sex for males summarize hgc wage inc if male 1 for females male 0 summarize hgc wage inc if male 0 TEST SCORE testcr CLASSROOM SIZE str regress IND DEP regress testscr str generate lninc ln avginc scatter testscr lninc regress testscr lninc generate lntest ln testscr regress lntest lninc OLS Regression of TEST SCORE on CLASSROOM SIZE For data set Normal data 10 4 Data set represents sample of 300 obs from a normally distributed pop n with mean mu 10 variance 4 but we will use sample variance s squared 3 confidence intervals for mu 90 95 99 and compare them 95 C m uL m uR 9 608 10 106 standard error s sqr root of n s is std dvn of the sample help mean C I for mu 95 C mean X level 95 mean X level 90 90 C 99 C mean X level 99 Draw a Histogram Wage Income With 20 categories bins histogram wage inc bin 20 Draw a Histogram Wage Income With 20 categories bins Superimpose Normal Distribution histogram wage inc bin 20 normal

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FSU ECO 4431 - Study Guide

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