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Study Guide for the Final Exam of MAN4301 0001 The final exam will focus on materials after Exam 2 including chapters 10 11 12 and 14 lecture slides and long in class videos The order of the above materials reflects their importance To excel in the Final you are expected to read the chapters and lecture slides for at least three times For long video clips try to recall why they were showed Analytic and critical thinking skills are important for college students Thus I will try to avoid definitional questions and focus on applications of course concepts and materials The following section summarizes what you need to know in each chapter of the text book Chapter 10 What is employee development Activities that influence personal and professional growth Closely related is career development activities that help people manage the progression of their work experiences across their lives How is employee development different from training Development activities generally help employees learn skills that will be helpful in future jobs aka not job focused but future growth focused Training is concerned with ensuring that employees have knowledge and skill to perform their current jobs aka job focused How is employee development strategic see final exam review powerpoints o External vs Internal BL and FA relay heavily on external labor market so they are competing with other organizations for employees BL unlikely to invest heavily in employee s long term development What little development they do offer is not extensive because the work being done in BL organizations are generally not complex FA must invest in development to attract employees from external labor market They offer formal education Formal education is important because it s valued by nearly everyone so it will be attractive to employees who are willing to move from organization to organization LS and CE rely on internal labor to fill positions They have more extensive development programs because they must create the pool of employees that they will use in the future even if the industry and company change They offer enough development opportunities so employees will be stay to learn grow and advance in their careers Usually offer formal education assessments and feedback developmental relationships and job experiences BL and LS focus on keeping development costs low CE and FA use development to foster high quality service and innovation They want to gain a competitive advantage by offering superior service or products Work experience formal education feedback from bosses and colleagues o Differentiation vs Cost and development relationships How can organizations help employees develop o Formal education FA and CE Key is that they must help employees learn a particular skill s that are likely to be relevant in their future work Courses Offered by consultants trade organizations or universities Or that are a part of degree programs from accredited institutions like community colleges and universities Certification and Licensing License required designation of competence within a professional field issued by the state government Certification optional designation of competence within a professional field o Assessments and feedback FA and CE o Work experiences BL and LS Involves collecting info and providing feedback to employees about their interests personality behaviors skills and preferences Feedback can help employees understand what type of work they should choose so they experience a good fit between their interests skills and work demands Career assessments Holland Typology it asserts that people will be more satisfied and more successful in jobs that closely match their characteristics 6 personality types Realistic investigative artistic social enterprising and conventional World of Work Map data or ideas vs people or things Multisource assessments and feedback a process in which an employee s managers peers sometimes subordinates and customers answer questions about the employee Responses are combined and provided as developmental feedback to the employee It works best when reliable ratings are provided raters confidentiality is maintained the system is easy to use the behaviors assessed are job relevant and managers act on the feedback received It s a form of development that allows organizations to improve their employees knowledge and skills without pulling them away from work completely unlike formal training and education Greatest learning occurs when job experiences provide greater authority require skill at creating change and call for the use of persuasion rather than authority to get things done Job enrichment the addition of challenges or new responsibilities to jobs Job rotation limited time lateral work assignment for the purpose of helping employees develop mew knowledge and skills Lateral move is a job change that involves a change in duties without an increase in pay responsibility or status Job transfer permanent lateral work assignment for the purpose of helping employees develop mew knowledge and skills Upward move promotion increase in responsibility pay and status Downward move demotion decrease in responsibility pay and status It may be necessary for an individual to gain knowledge and skill in a new area Likely to work best when they are temporary and when the employees agree to the moves as part of long term career goals Moving employees into different jobs losing productivity in the beginning but making up for it in the end o Developmental relationships BL and LS It is relationships that provide support and encouragement for personal or professional growth Coaching when a person works with others to equip them with the tools knowledge and opportunities they need to become more effective at work Coaches are responsible for improving other employees performance Mentoring when an experienced person helps a less experienced person learn and grow What is career The pattern of work experiences a person has over his or her lifetime Career success can be defined in objective promotions and pay and subjective satisfaction and personal well being measures o Progression from position to position generally occurred in the form of promotions that involved more pay and more responsibility what we refer to as moving up the career ladder Differences between the traditional and protean career see final exam review powerpoints o Protean career directed development and an emphasis on psychological success a

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