Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes Chapter 5 Know the difference between autosomes and sex chromosomes understand the terms heterogametic sex and homogametic sex and know the difference between the XY and the ZW sex determination systems Know the evidence which indicates that the Y chromosome determines sex in mammals existence of Turner and Klinefelter individuals know what the genetic makeup is of people with Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes and what the characteristics phenotypes of these syndromes are Know the difference in the genes that are carried by the X and the Y chromosomes know what the PAR region is on the Y chromosome and why it is important Understand how the SRY gene controls sex determination in mammals initiates male development through regulation of testosterone and antimullerian hormone production during early development and what the evidence is for the importance of this gene XY females and XX males Know where the SRY gene is located on the Y chromosome Understand the concept of dosage compensation and why it is important on the X chromosome and how dosage compensation is achieved in mammals X inactivation and in fruit flies increase of activity of genes on the X in males Know what a Barr body is and how inactivation of the X chromosome occurs during early development in mammalian females and be able to state how many Barr bodies would be present in a cell that has 1 2 3 or 4 X chromosomes Understand the term genetic chimera genetic mosaic and be able to explain the pattern of inheritance of calico and tortiseshell coat colors in cats Know what the Xist gene does and where it is located Be able to provide an explanation of why individuals with Turner and Klinefelter syndromes are not phenotypically normal
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