POS 3182 Florida Politics August 28 2013 Formal Structure Constitution Federal Constitution Economy Population Characteristics Distribution Inputs Lobbyist Electoral System Political Parties Public Opinion Legislature Governor Supreme Court Outputs Public policy Corruption Education Healthcare Job Creation History 1800 s 1830 34 000 population for Census 1900 50 000 population Most people lived in Northern FL Cotton and Tobacco owners Isolated from each other and the rest of the country Linkage to the Old South Economic diversity between states Agriculture diversified Officials in Northern Florida dominated thru legislature because they drew the county lines Influx and immigrants Soldier after war immigrants from Mexico Cuba Mariel Boat Lift Latin America Central America and elder people looking for warmer climates New York Jews moved to Miami August 30 2013 Moved from centralized to decentralized Decentralized each board of education for college Governor on the board of trustees you are responding to the local FSU Tallahassee they are pressuring you legislators to do things for FSU that will benefit Tallahassee Different schools have more alumni and they are in bigger metropolitan areas more legislators FSU was a female school and became coed in 1941ish Male alumni have more money Decentralized has more effect because local legislators can get things for their constituents Every vote counts but not every vote counts in state legislature People came to Florida in waves 1st North Florida border to Ocala Pensacola St Augustine and Jacksonville they rode horses and met in the middle people from the South because North dominated the State fragmentation of settling they started settling in clusters Orland Miami no one city dominated We started as an Ag state in Northern part as state developed different Ag it wasn t just Tobacco and cotton it became timber and tomatoes oranges cattle Cracker cows are start of cattle business Phosphate mining Population growth massive 1940 1990 average 1 8 million arriving in each decade In flux of immigrants people outside of country Cubans 3 waves Republicans Mexico Central America Haiti and Puerto Rico Democrats Inter state migration political Republicans moved here originally democrats were here Huge influx all at once meant politics was local they didn t care about people in other countries they were focus on local things streets trash pick ups Because everything was defused you did not have a state political consciousness no state wide concern State did not develop a state wide political culture identity was with local area people saw this as a temporary place to be did not transfer loyalty to the state September 4 2013 Culture educational religious social cultures believe same things norms do same things Political Culture What can be expected about gov what kind of people get involved and who gets involved purpose of gov t the actual way gov t is practiced strong and active or small and inactive expectations Over lap in some places How it affects Certain types moved to specific places and these have different continental gov t 3 Cultures that overlap in the United States Individualistic culture insures everyone can safely compete given their own assets small gov t not much of a bureaucracy business people should participate because they know more about this area elitists gov t is only allowed in extreme circumstances Moralistic culture the role of gov t is to make the society a better place the gov t helps push those who need it big active government intervening in everything everyone can give their input on how gov t should be run Traditionalistic culture keep elite in power gov t would just intervene on the behalf of the elites interest elites decide what should be done September 6 2013 Rick Scott The Republican party left him and he is an opportunist Reapportionment of the Legislature as much effect on gov t on how we develop and are represented Until 1960 rural old tradition Pensacola Ocala St Augustine controlled the state When they drew lines there were more people in North so that area got more representation 1885 Constitution Assigned 1 Representation by country than by population 2 Gave legislature the power to reapportion itself conflict of interest 3 Permitted multimember districts 1958 smallest 48 counties had 17 2 had majority of House Of Representative Pork Chop gang North FL legislatures Conservatives Sue someone strategy Coldrow vs Illinois Not a justiciable question it is a political question LeRoy Collins we need to reapportion the state In Baker vs Carr Tennessee legislature took a similar case to Supreme Court Court decided that people should be represented instead of land gave it to Manny Downer 1964 Swan vs Adams State reapportioned a bit Swan went back again FL made another small change 1967 3rd Swan case Supreme Court took away reapportionment took it and In Senate that is the only place that has 2 US senators to represent them based on land Multimember district is having more than one person in that district whatever the majority of the votes are discriminatory against females African Americans and Hispanic North was discriminating against the South mal apportionment Draw the lines in ways that benefit them 1982 US Supreme courts say states have to make sure that minority populations are represented in their legislature Not enough to draw district lines and assume that minorities are going to be represented we have to carve out districts In 2000 Republicans had small control of legislature went to blacks and says if they vote with them they will see to it that they make sure they get their districts pack large of blacks and Hispanic into districts bleaches other places and makes them more There were a lot of vacancies You can serve 8 years Florida legislature could be Republicans Republican September 9 2013 Reapportionment 6 or 7 pages in Crews Book Rural area of the state controlled legislature They did not want to release control Raymond s vs Sims case representative by people not counties Swan sued state 3 times to the point where the Supreme Court took away 1967 1st time FL was properly proportioned by people Minority Majority seats insure that they would get seats Republicans decided to have blacks and Hispanics run in their party so that they would have more Republican districts Up for grabs mentions FL is individualistic The consequences 1 Feeling that the resources in the state are non exhaustible 2 These
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