Exam 4 Chapter 13 Groups and Teams Groups Vs Teams Groups Collection of People performing as individuals o are people who share common interest o 2 or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms share collective goals and have common identity o EX 10 employees meeting to exchange information about various companies policies on wages Teams Collection of People with common commitment o are outcome directed and develop interdependencies as they work toward share objectives o Small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable o EX Collection of 2 10 employees who are studying industry pay scales with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades Formal Group Created to do productive work o A group established to do something productive for the organization is headed by a leader o A division a department a work group or a committee o A group formed by people seeking friendship and has no officially appointed leader although a leader may emerge o Collection of friends who hang out take coffee breaks together bowling team service club Informal Group Created for friendship from the membership Reasons Why People Join Groups Security People make you feel secure Status Because of the way it makes me feel Self Esteem Just feel better Affiliation Rather not be alone Power My capacity to get things done provides mechanisms for me to do that Goal Achievement Helps me achieve pushes me out of group towards team Teams Have More Total resources Potentially greater variety in knowledge and skillfulness o Knowledge for problem solving and decision making o Better job at framing problems Increased requirements for communications and coordination Work Teams for 4 Purposes o Advice Teams Created to broaden the information base for managerial decisions o Production Team o Project Teams Team o Action Teams EX committees review panels advisory councils continuous improvement teams Responsible for performing day to day operations Mining teams flight attendant crews maintenance crews manufacturing crews Work to do create problem solving by applying the specialized knowledge of members of Cross Functional Staffed with specialists pursuing a common objective EX Task forces research groups planning teams architect teams Work to accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination EX Baseball team with specialized acting in coordination EX Hospital surgery teams airline cockpit crews mountain climbing expeditions SWAT team Continuous Improvement Teams o and quality related problems Self Managed Teams Consist of small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace o EX 10 people meet for 60 minutes once or twice a month with management listening to presentations and the important pay off for members usually being the chance for meaningful participation o Group of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains Technical and Organizational Redesign for Self Managed Teams o New Technology and New Organization Teamwork Increased productivity increased speed reduced cost improved quality reduced destructive internal competition improved workplace cohesiveness Stages of Group and Team Development 1 Forming why are we here The process of getting oriented and getting acquainted 2 Storming Why are we fighting over who does what and who s in charge Emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group 3 Norming Can we agree on roles and work as a team Conflicts are resolved close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge Group Cohesiveness A we feeling binding group members together 4 Performing Can we do the job properly Members concentrate on solving problems and completing assigned task 5 Adjourning Can We help members transition out Members prepare for disbandment Building a group into Effective Teams Performance Goals and Feedback Motivation through Mutual Accountability Size Small Teams or Large Teams o Small Teams 2 9 members for Better interaction and morale Advantages They have better interaction and Better morale Disadvantages Fewer resources Possibly less innovation Unfair work distribution o Large Teams 10 16 members for resources and division of labor Advantages More Resources and Division of Labor Work is divided into particular tasks that are assigned to particular workers Disadvantages Less interaction Lower Morale and Social Loafing also called sliders o The tendency of people to expert less effort when working in groups than when working alone Roles How members are expected to behave o Socially determined expectations of how individuals should behave in specific position o 2 Types of team Roles Task Roles task oriented role Getting the work done Consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the teams task done EX Coordinators who pull together ideas and suggestions Maintenance Roles Relationship oriented Roles Keeping the team together Behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members Norms Unwritten rules for team members o General guidelines or rules of behavior that most group or team members follow o They are Enforced because To help the group survive Don t do anything that will hurt us To clarify role expectations You have to go along To help individuals avoid embarrassing situations Don t call attention to your self To emphasize the groups important values and identity Were known for being special Cohesiveness The importance of togetherness o The tendency of a group or team to stick together o EX When you re a member of a volleyball team a fraternity or a sorority Group Think When Peer pressure discourages thinking outside the box o A cohesive groups blind unwillingness to consider alternatives Direct Determinants of Team Outcomes Team Tactics Lay out all of steps that have to be done and then allocate to different members of teams and then create different layer of tactic to level coordination and communication Combined Effort Have a lot of people can shift and reallocate work Skillfulness Not every one has to be as skillful in everything can have specialist for each function Team Challenges Most frequently cited causes of frustration and challenge for teams o Developing and sustaining high motivation o Minimizing coordination and confusion Observations about Teams Companies that
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