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ENG3804 Final Exam Technologies to know How is parchment made o Skin the animal o Use compound lime to melt off hair from skin o Stretch the skin and begin to scarping off hair and excess dirt using the lunellum this process continues for a couple of days of shaving and stretching o Then burnish the paper to make sure it is smooth the final process involves ruling and cutting the parchment for manuscript production Animal skin usually calf sheep goat and sometimes pig o What is it made of How is paper made o By hand By hand paper is made by using a mold and deckle the frame and the wiring What is it made of o By machine Rags including linen most famous one to use Paper is made by first creating a wood pulp this is done by wood chips being boiled in a strong solution that dissolves away parts of the wood The mixture of pulp and water is sent to the fourdrinier machine the device for producing paper that allows excess water to drain off forming a continuous sheet for further drying by suction pressure and heat Calenders rollers or plates smooth the paper or board and impart gloss or other desired finish to the surface What is it made of Plant fibers wood pulp Fourdrinier machine invented 1803 o LOOK AT DIAGRAM ON PPT OR GOOGLE o Should know it makes paper not going to make us diagram how paper goes through press Planten printing machines o Sheets of paper are transferred from the feed board upright to the frisket on the apron in the middle of the machine which draws them back under the planten beneath the feed board the moving rollers on the right ink the form form is the type images which are pushed up against the platen to make the impression the printed image is then carried on tapes under the apron to the left o Exactly like the hand press but it is now made of metal the way printing o Basically LOOK AT PPT Smith Press 1820 s was done until the 1830 s English double planten machine 1830 s o Two ends consists of a type end Cylinder Printing Press 1865 o Before cylinder press all were printed on a planten press o Don t have a tympan or a frisket Photography invented 1826 27 o Don t worry too much about it just know the year and overall information Offset Lithography 1860 s1960s e g early gelatin surface o Early way of doing it in 1860 s became the standard way of doing it for vague an entire century o http en wikipedia org wiki Lithography Lithography on limestone Lithography on Limestone Offset Lithography o Process The inked image is transferred from a plate to a rubber blanket then to the printing surface When used in combination with the lithographic process which is based on the repulsion of oil and water the offset technique employs a flat planographic image carrier on which the image to be printed obtains ink from ink rollers while the non printing area attracts a water based film keeping the non printing areas ink free This is how modern printing happens o Recognize diagram of the process o Hydrophobic repels water o SURFACE IS FLAT o Should be called planeographic but keep calling it lithography event not being done in stone Hypertext is a text with hyperlinks o General Info on Hypertext First time that you can have a substrate that s any kind you want electronically can have a background of your website be bright fuschia if you wanted to but that s not a good idea because its really hard to read so having clashing colors can evoke certain feelings think of design principles Recognize capital letters not the same as lowercase letters How you read websites Up and down so the most important things are at the top there s a top down hierarchy instead of the left to right hierarchy of the book I e FSU webpage has the header in top half search bar navigation tabs and then at the bottom are smaller links and things people use less often Referincing to data that the reader can directly follow or that is followed automatically A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document o Linking o Hot linking Linking to images hosted on other sites Someone else is hosting the image problems occur because they can take images down and then they don t show up on your site o Relative Linking vs Absolute Linking You can tell if a link is relative if the path isn t a full website address A full website address includes http www Index html graphics images png help articles how do i set up a webpage html Absolute link has the full website address and ALWAYS includes the domain name of the website including http www whereas relative links only point to a file or a file path When a user clicks a relative link the browser takes them to that location on the current site For that reason you can only use relative links when linking to pages or files within your site and you must use absolute links if you re linking to a location on another website o Linearity and box like behavior of code elements Sites are set up in boxes o Image properties and their uses including Alt Src You should always add alt text to your images so the users can get an idea of what the image is about before it is loaded If the image is deleted or the code doesn t work the alt text will tell you what goes there and it becomes easier to fix the problem To display the image on a page you need to use the src attribute The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display Width and Height The height and width attributes are used to specify the height and width of an image usually in pixels Good practice to specify both the height and width attributes because if these are set the space required for the image is reserved when the page is loaded Without the attributes the browser doesn t know the size of the image and the page layout changes during loading Gascoigne s Keys to Identification o LOOK OVER ALONE Alice in Wonderland o Manuscript 1864 first published 1865 o Mixed form prose poetry Emblematic verse image o Narrative implications of the frontispiece the Trial of Tarts What does having a scene from the end of the book as the frontispiece do for the book o Know Rose Lovell Smith The Animals of Wonderland Tenniel as ANSWER HERE Carroll s Reader the characters Know about Tenniel and natural history and inspiration for a lot of At the time there were a lot of natural science books and Darwin had just come out with his theories of evolution so pretty much instead of animals worrying about things they worried about in other fairy tales helping children or …

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