Midterm Review Why Do We Display 1 What is visual merchandising Showing merchandise and concepts at their very best with the end purpose of making a sale Convincing viewer of the value of the object organization behind the store promoting the object or organization behind the concept even though visual merchandiser may not actually sell the object displayed or the idea promoted Promoting store s image let people know what the store is where it stands on fashion what one can expect inside to whom it appeals price range and caliber of its merchandise The process of promoting the sale of products by producing mental images that urge potential customers to make purchases Putting store s best face forward Presenting more than merchandise Image of who or what the shopper can be when using the merchandise displayed i ii The store s image and fashion trendiness 2 What are the functions of displays Selling realities Introduce a new product a fashion trend and a new look or idea Educate the consumer what the new hot item is how it can be worn or used and how it can be accessorized Supplying pertinent information such as the price fabric content or brand name Creating opportunities to sell something to the shopper because they become a walk in rather than a walk by 3 What does visual merchandising impact Store design store signing departmental merchandise placement and display atmospherics and store brand image 4 What is target market Described in a store s mission statement 5 What elements are parts of promotional mix A combination of communication tools that tells targeted Advertising in store marketing special events personal Visual merchandisers physically carry out a store s customers about a store and its merchandise selling and visual merchandising promotional selling strategies by displays that support ad goals promotional signing for in store selling department layouts and interior d cor merchandise fixture layouts for day to day operation placement and presentation of merchandise and working as team members 6 What is retail brand image A combination of tangible and intangible factors that describe what a shopper thinks about his or her relationship with a store categories 9 How do retailers stretch their brand image also store environment reputation and service 8 How are stores expanding their store offerings Retailer s identity in a shoppers minds Encompasses not only merchandise brands and types but Describes how store looks and acts toward its customers Driven by the retailer s mission statement Communicated by store interiors store image 7 What things in the store should fit brand image Environment Fixture signs and displays Adding fun to the assortment by offering new items and Stretching brand to appeal to a broader customer base Introducing new products that are exclusive to different store locations puts excitement and fun back into the mix for global shoppers Examples mad tea party building own trench coat in London How does visual merchandising support selling customer their own fashion savvy understand what shoppers want in new products and how shoppers use the products they buy Interpreting trends within the store s physical setting so that people know what s important today lighting support trends Suggests add ons or an entire outfit making shopper into a Providing fashion direction to customers who may not trust Study how their target customers live their lives Product placement mannequins props signing and Offering service that are unique by location 10 Core Design Strategies 1 What are the core design elements Color texture proportion direction line shape size sequence and tension 2 What is the biggest motivation for buying something Color 3 Why is color a powerful visual element People buy color before they buy size fit or price New color of the season is what brings customers in It can set mood emphasize features and highlight a product Can act as a focal point 4 Why is understanding the effect of color on color important Important in visual merchandising many theories have been formed concerning effects of colors on people and their moods while shopping of the merchandise the merchandise and the store s fashion image Background color can either add or detract from the color Enables selection of the proper settings and accessories for 5 Are color trends limited to clothing only 6 What is a color story Color trends are NOT limited to clothing Color coordinated or color keyed product grouping that shows how to use a season s trend colors 7 Are textures suggestive 8 Can texture affect the color of merchandise 9 Should all the texture work well together and be balanced in an YES they can suggest familiar symbols or memories YES YES What is texture How a surface actually feels to the touch or how it appears that it might feel if touched Why is texture important to store designers and planners How store designers and planners use textual contrasts in store d cor determines overall mood and can influence the appearance of merchandise as well Textures can absorb or reflect light provide contrasts that enhance the feature of merchandise help set mood and actually invite a shopper to touch the merchandise What should the visual merchandiser consider in regards to The size of the merchandise and props and also the size Direction the design element or tool that leads the Line guides the eye to a feature or linear element that of the display area as well What is the difference between direction and line shopper s eye from one place to anther sets a mood it is a direction What are the types of lines proportion 10 11 12 13 14 arrangement 15 16 Vertical horizontal curved directional The particular order in which items are presented for Visual merchandiser relies on sequence of items in a What is sequence viewing gradation from small to large or vice versa What is tension wonder if opposing forces will disturb balance or equilibrium in a display subtle humor is presented along with it An arrangement of elements that causes the viewer to Can make an image more memorable when imbalance Design Principles The Rules 17 18 Unity harmony balance repetition rhythm emphasis What are the design principles contrast and surprise What is the difference between informal and formal balance Formal two items of equal size or weight balanced equal distance from a center point aka symmetry o Rigid static suggesting little movement o More disciplined o Easy to learn and use consistently o A way to
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