MAR 3023 Dr Mike Brady Integrated Marketing Communications Exam 4 Review Sheet Know what a promotion is and understand what the purposes of promotion are o Activity material that offers added value or an incentive to buy the good service Think free samples rebates contests coupons Know the elements of the promotion mix and be able to identify examples of each o Advertising paid non personal communications about an org product o Personal Selling paid personal communications that informs persuades to purch a prod Instagram ads for a car Think car salesman o Public Relations cerates favorable relationships between an org prid and its stakeholders Think car dealership saying that they donate a portion of their proceeds back to the community o Sales Promotion direct inducement that adds value to the org prod An incentive to the consumer Think BoGo coupons rebates Know what integrated marketing communications IMC are and why companies use them o The combination of promotions and marketing for max impact Consistent message Coordinated promo efforts logically connected Complementary Continuity precisely targeted promos Think Dr Pepper caters towards sports fans They do it so well that they are able to keep up with cocacola and pepsi Know the difference between the traditional promotion mix and IMC o each from a scenario Understand the difference between a push and a pull promotion strategy and be able to identify an example of o Push promoting a product to the next person in the distribution channel B2B Think going to a trade show and promoting your products to retailers to sell o Pull The manufacturer promoting their product straight to the consumer The demand for the product forces retailers to start carrying the products B2C Think sugar cereal companies promoting to children forcing Their parents then buy it to please their child Think drug companies advertising their meds to the consumers in turn making doctors prescribe the meds Understand the communication process and that messages are sent through channels and know what channels are 1 Encode 2 Channels formulate a message to send to consumers the message is sent through channels to the consumer a Personal direct contact between channel and consumer i Think direct selling salespeople etc b Non Personal no personal contact w consumer MAR 3023 Dr Mike Brady i Think social media radio ads etc when the consumer receives the message they interpret it hopefully the way it was a Can be interrupted by Noise distractions the message has been interpreted and the consumer gives feedback on the message 3 Decode intended 4 Feedback either or Know the elements of the communication process and what noise is Know the parts stages of response models o Response models describe the process customers go through before they react to the message 1 Cognitive stage thinking stage receiver becomes aware of the message 2 Affective stage feeling stage 3 Behavioral stage action stage Advertising and PR Know what advertising is and what effective advertising can do for a company o Advertising paid non personal communications to a target audience through mass media Can influence purchasing behavior through a persons lifetime Understand different advertising mediums and an example of each Done through product placement will show brand names or logos mentions etc o Movies TV Video Games o Newspaper direct mail magazines Coupons flyers classified ads o Sports o Internet Endorsements ads in stadiums etc Know what advertising pervasiveness is and why it is so difficult for a company to get a customer to pay attention to their advertisement o Advertising pervasiveness is the quantity and quality of ads shown to the target audience o Sometimes people tend to drown out the ads because they see so many a day Think muting the TV during commercial breaks o Customers are avoiding ads so companies must go to great lengths to reach customers Embedding messages Viral events redbull skydiver Games etc Understand the different types of advertising and be able to recognize each one think of an example of each one o Product Advertising promotes features benefits of a product o Pioneer Advertising focuses on a whole category of product rather than one brand company Think got milk Think the entire meat industry coming together to raise awareness of their products o Advocacy Advertising conveys a firms opinion on a public issue Think Starbucks advertises that its 100 fair trade coffee o Competitive Advertising comparing your product to your competitor and pointing out why it is better MAR 3023 Dr Mike Brady Comparative compares two or more brands on one characteristic Reminder reminds customers of the brands characteristics and benefits Reinforcement assures current users have made the right choice Know the different advertising schedules and an example in which it would make sense to use each one e g product pioneer competitive o Continuous runs steadily throughout the year Think Tide you always need laundry detergent o Flighting runs in spurts seasonal products Think Christmas ads Halloween ads etc o Pulsing a combination of continuous and flighting Think school supplies during back to school You need them all times of year but especially during this time Know how advertising is measured in reach frequency and effectiveness o Reach how many people o Frequency how often people see the ad o Measuring Effectiveness Pretest posttest what do people think before and after the ad Recognition recall ask consumers Do you recognize this ad recognition measure Please choose a sponsor of this ad from this list aided recall Please write in an answer as to who the sponsor of this ad is unaided recall Know what Nielsen ratings are as well as why and how they are used o Nielsen ratings measure the size and composition of TV audiences Also develop ratings based on advertising viewership o Program Rating HH tuned to show total US HH x 100 o Share of Audience HH tuned to show US HH using TV x 100 Understand print media and the use of advertising o Magazine readers have stabilized around 220 million in the US o AARP is the most popular it helps that its free o Total circulation primary circulation x pass along readership Know what Public Relations is and some companies that are successful in their PR efforts o Public relations communication efforts used to create favorable relations between the organization and its consumers think segways Starbucks Botox Know the differences between PR and
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