This study source was downloaded by 100000841237259 from CourseHero com on 09 19 2022 17 41 49 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 17286213 CMN 232 Midterm Test 1 Abby RadohaMidterm Test 10 11Martin and NakayamaCulture is core concept of Intercultural CommunicationSix imperatives for studying Intercultural Communication Self awarenessoJudith taught Muslims but identified with Protestantism Demographico37 minority at university EconomicoBrazil India China account for 50 economic growth TechnologicaloInternet usage increasing for communication PeaceoEthnic differences between Muslims western world Ethicalo10 CommandmentsDifferent notions of culture Social scienceoLearned shared perceptions InterpretiveoPatterns emotions symbolic meanings CriticaloNot shared heterogeneousPiller Critical Approach to culture Thinks of culture as imagined communities but not to discredit nationality and ethnicity as apart of culture He stresses complexity links culture to group membership But argues that all communication is I C CClifford Geertz Interpretive approach to culture Culture is not formal a power to which behaviors or events can be attributed However Cultural is thickly described public fictions Concepts Semiotics The study of signs and meanings and how people make meaning with each other in context Studying the ethnography following and analyzing these thick descriptions we can find meaning at the different levels of the signsoTwitch wink aesthetically a wink is a twitch but our culture is a formula lens in which we decipher what w ink is between two people the context Culture is public because meaning is world around us offers clues into societies but we need to be detectives This study source was downloaded by 100000841237259 from CourseHero com on 09 19 2022 17 41 49 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 17286213 CMN 232 Midterm Test 1 Turtles all the way down never arriving at the right answer We look through culture thru social actions small dense facts But the PITFALL is stereotyping The goal is to converse with other cultures with different signsAAA statement on race and culture Culture does NOT equal race and not genetically determined Culture is a socially constructed a social construct learned behavior that oppresses groups Race social attributes and behaviors given to people and our ideas about human differences and group behaviorFranz Boas Argues for multiple cultures Group differences are socially transmitted Culture as a personal experience Neoboasian describes culture of a specific group of people at particular moment in time Ethnography going and describing culture of a group Cultures are distinct from race and nature They are how people make sense of nature They are socially transmitted He is for cultural and linguistic relativism No language or culture is more advanced than the other Language as a tool to learn about culture Important Language is a tool to learn about culture oWe can t rely on an interpreter because then we miss out on important nonverbal communicationHorace Miner Narcierma eroticize our culture and way of life different perspective on norms Looking at beliefs help us understand practices Make the exotic familiar and the familiar exotic Habits and ritualsRaymonde Carroll Culture obvious things invisible to outsides Cultural analysis recreate situations reconstruction in context that makes sense Gift giving examples and cultural analysis Views cultures acts as invisible premisesoRemembering in detail and slow motion Implicitly defines culture as nationality This study source was downloaded by 100000841237259 from CourseHero com on 09 19 2022 17 41 49 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 17286213 CMN 232 Midterm Test 1 Stereotypes not true but express the culture of the people that believe the stereotype Cultural misunderstandings oChief saying he is going to adopt her daughter oGiving cloth to older women and her angry reaction Goal remembering and experiencing culture in detail by seeing it in slow motion Limitations Defines culture as nationality missing role of power in ICC interactionsTakeo Doi Example of help yourself which comes off as unwelcoming Carroll would agree with Doi about matter of contrasting and comparing experiences but Doi says that words do not always have easy equivalents and we discover a lot of culture through interaction Key concepts Amac someone going out of their way to help you parents cooking and cleaning when you go home for a weekend not because they have to but because they love you Main points Says it s only in Japanese culture and it is used in Japanese psychology and cannot be translated into American culture Importance It can be seen we just do not have a word for it Therefore that is an example of why translation is hardMichael Agar Definition of language Language is a semiotic system thru which people produce and interpret Culture is the eraser of the circle of language It is happening Looking at language is not enough because context matters Differences in language more than grammar and dictionaryoFormal and not formal Missed that he was being flirted with You have culture but you can also encounter culture through language He outlined 3 types of ethno methods How we understand and use communication in the context of our livesoTopic shifting A group has to agree on the topic and then start discussing it then a new topic is introduced and if it is accepted you shift to that topicoAdjacency pairs Question and answer When you greet someone they should greet you back How are you I am good how about you oTurn Taking This study source was downloaded by 100000841237259 from CourseHero com on 09 19 2022 17 41 49 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 17286213 CMN 232 Midterm Test 1 Transitions between speakers in conversation Importance Explaining that communication is more than language Explaining the misunderstandings has to deal with who you are and it is on a personal level Rich points Behaviors we don t understand and the surprises we encounteroEnglish use of the word awkward it s about social situations not just strange or not normal could be uncomfortable what isn t awkward What makes things awkward oA date oRelative harder to understand than othersoNot the same rich point exists across groups oCulture as interculture what are the rich points between certain groups It s always relativeoFiguring out what to call professor significant other s parents buying a drink hospitality oSlang dude betch boo Speech Acts
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