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Communication Chapter 16 Persuasive Presentations Persuasion the altering or modifying of a person s attitudes beliefs values or outlook about a topic Types of Persuasive Claims Questions of policy refer to persuading for a change to an existing law Questions of value used when trying to persuade relative merits good bad Questions of fact used when one person tries to persuade another that a fact is true or not Crafting Persuasive Arguments Argument by example using an example as the main support for your persuasive appeal Argument by analogy compares different ideas or examples to reach a conclusion The analogy can be literal or metaphorical Argument by definition using the definition of an idea or concept as part of your persuasive appeal Argument by relationship refers to a general relationship or correlation of two ideas or concept Sufficiency of Evidence providing overwhelming evidence that any reasonable person would have to accept your position Strategies to Persuade Ask for suspended judgement Demonstrate cost benefits Seek out micro changes micro changes are small changes in behavior Social judgement theory maintains that individuals can be persuaded on a topic by being convinced to accept changes that are close to their already held beliefs Latitude of acceptance close to an individual s already held beliefs Latitude of rejection occurs when a new line of argument is still too close to the reject category Latitude of noncommitment occurs when the new information causes the person not to accept or reject the position but to instead maintain his or her original position Organizing your presentation Problem cause solution Monroe s Motivated Sequence 1 Attention draw attention to the issue 2 Need why the issue needs to be addressed 3 Satisfaction solutions to the problem 4 Visualization what will happen if we do do not act 5 Action ask to act on given proposal

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