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BCIS 2610 Fall 2016 Page 1 of 14 BCIS 2610 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS IN BUSINESS Fall 2016 SECTION 003 Tues 11 00 12 20 PM BLB 180 Your Instructor Melody White Email melody white unt edu Office BLB 394D Web http www coba unt edu itds courses bcis2610 COURSE OBJECTIVES This course examines the fundamental concepts of computing in various business disciplines It also provides an introduction to programming and to software programs you will use in later courses and in business Course objectives include Learning basic computer concepts such as cyberspace hardware software privacy security etc Learning how different parts of society use computer systems Learning how to create electronic presentations using MS POWER POINT Learning how to develop useful spreadsheets with MS MS EXCEL 2016 NOT 2013 Learning how to build project management tools using MS PROJECT 2010 NOT 2013 NOT 2016 NOT 2013 2016 REQUIRED MATERIALS FOR BCIS 2610 1 For this class you will use 2 textbooks a custom Project PowerPoint Excel book and a custom computer applications textbook and a software disk containing a 60 day version of MS Project 2010 for Windows These materials are available for purchase in a bundle at the UNT Bookstore OR ONLINE at http services cengagebrain com course site html id 1381847 IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU PURCHASE THE BUNDLE AS THE TEXTBOOKS HAVE BEEN PREPARED SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS CLASS OLDER EDITIONS OF 2610 TEXTBOOKS WILL NOT WORK SINCE OUR TEXTS ARE CUSTOMIZED DO NOT BUY THEM Please note that after the first week or two of school the Bookstore will return to the publisher any unsold bundles 2 Buy a USB data storage drive small capacity will do 3 Buy an eraser that leaves no smudges A very good one is the Staedtler Mars Plastic Eraser available at the UNT Bookstore and many other places Office Max Office Depot Staples Target etc WHAT ARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT The term Information Systems IS describes the combination of information and communication technologies with human activities to support the decision making operations and general management of industries government agencies and not for profit organizations Information systems exist within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization Access to current complete and accurate information is vital for success in today s competitive and global business environment Therefore a critical mission for Information Systems is designing and operating solutions that enable humans to perform tasks for which their brains are not well suited such as handling large amounts of information performing complex calculations and controlling many simultaneous processes Depending on the required task these solutions can take many forms such as enterprise information BCIS 2610 Fall 2016 Page 2 of 14 systems transaction processing systems database management systems networking systems project management systems and e business systems BCIS 2610 COURSE WEB SITE http www coba unt edu itds courses bcis2610 DOWNLOAD FROM HERE ALL DATA FILES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE YOUR HOMEWORK Each data file is in an explodable ZIP file format just download each file to your chosen 2610 folder and double click on the file name to unload the file s contents Avoid confusing the files create separate folders for each EXE file before exploding them NOTE Some data files will contain more items than you need this term to complete your homework ignore them Also some assignments have no data files THE COB S DRIVE accessible from the CoB Lab or a VM COB Lab virtual PC contains in the BCIS 2610 folder copies of the PowerPoint lecture files and exam review documents BCIS 2610 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Behavior Cheating in any form will not be tolerated Your instructor has the right to have you removed from class for ANY BEHAVIOR THAT HE OR SHE DEEMS INAPPROPRIATE That includes such behavior as 1 Talking during lecture 2 Getting up and leaving class early 3 Disturbing other students in any manner etc Attendance 1 For UNT administrative purposes we will take attendance until the 12th day class rolls are finalized 2 Family events weddings ski trips car trouble car wrecks being sick etc are NOT what the University considers a university authorized absence or a state law exception If you have any questions check with the UNT DEAN OF STUDENTS before you miss an exam It is the student s responsibility to execute the proper drop procedures for a grade of W should s he need to stop attending class Failure to execute the drop procedure will result in an automatic grade of F which cannot be changed 3 4 CAMPUS CLOSURES Should UNT close campus it is your responsibility to keep checking your official UNT e mail account EagleConnect to learn if your instructor plans any changes 5 Take all exams with your enrolled section unless you have obtained written permission from your instructor to do otherwise Taking another section s exam earns you a grade of ZERO 0 Disabilities The College of Business Administration complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disability If you have an established disability as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act and would like to request accommodation please contact your instructor as soon as possible Code of Conduct and Ethics Academic integrity must be exhibited in your academic work methods and conduct Course work for which you receive an individual grade must be your original individual effort If any evidence exists of copying cheating or any other forms of academic dishonesty on all or part of your graded course work you and any others involved will be awarded a ZERO for that work A second incident will result in a grade of F in this course and a recommendation for further action by the office of the Vice President for Student Development If You Have a Problem or Want to Appeal a Grade UNT and ITDS have a process for that and you must follow it no short cuts allowed 1 Discuss the problem with your section s grader If you are not satisfied then 2 Discuss the problem with your section s teacher If you are not satisfied then 3 Discuss the problem with the BCIS 2610 Course Coordinator If you are not satisfied then 4 Contact the UNT Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities Do NOT contact the ITDS Chair BCIS 2610 Fall 2016 Page 3 of 14 HOW YOU EARN YOUR GRADE 1 There will be three mid term exams and an optional comprehensive

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