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7 Events are the triggers that cause an object to move from one state to another Answer Selected Answer True CRUD matrices are useful in the step Set the Context of building a collaboration diagram Answer Selected Answer False In a CRUD matrix C represents Create Answer Selected Answer True On a behavioral state diagram an arrow is used to represent a transition Answer Selected Answer True The acronym CRUD stands for Answer Selected Answer create read update delete For sequence communication and behavioral state diagrams a frame indicates the context of the diagram Answer Selected Answer True As behavioral models are developed it is likely that the use cases and structural models will have to be modified Answer Selected Answer True The external behavior of a system is described by Answer Selected Answer functional models Modeling the real world in behavioral models is relatively easy Answer Selected Answer False Analysts use to show the objects that participate in a use case and the messages that pass between the objects over time for one particular use case Answer Selected Answer sequence diagrams The first step in drawing a communication diagram is to identify which objects and associations between the objects participate in the communication Answer Selected Answer False Which of the following are used to create objects Answer Selected Answer concrete classes Return messages in a sequence diagram are often shown using dashed lines with arrows labeled with the return value Answer Selected Answer True A final state in a behavioral state diagram is shown using a small filled circle Answer Selected Answer False Conditions on conditional messages in communication diagrams are placed in symbols Answer Selected Answer True A class diagram is a n model Answer Selected Answer static A collaboration consists of Answer Selected Answer a set of classes involved in a use case A contract formalizes the interactions between one client object and other client objects Answer Selected Answer False Correct If you are interested in the time ordering of the messages in a system you should use a communication diagram Answer Selected Answer False An analyst depicts the static view of an information system with Answer Selected Answer structural models A object is the instance of a class that receives a request from another object Answer Selected Answer server Actors and objects are placed on a sequence diagram in no particular order Answer Selected Answer True The order of messages on a sequence diagram goes from to Answer Selected Answer top to bottom A message with the information aStudent exists will be sent only when this condition is true Answer Selected Answer True A n describes information about an object Answer Selected Answer attribute Correct A sequence diagram can only be drawn to represent a single scenario in a use case Answer Selected Answer False In a communication diagram a n between actors and objects is shown with an undirected line Answer Selected Answer association Correct A decision node in an activity diagram is used to represent the actual test condition that is used to determine which of the paths exiting the node is to be traversed Answer Selected Answer True Identification of the initial final and states of the object is the final steps of building a behavioral state diagram Answer Selected Answer False CRUD matrices are created by creating a matrix that lists the classes across the top and down the side Answer Selected Answer True A diamond at the end of a relationship in a class diagram represents the many side of the relationship Answer Selected Answer False When arranging actors and objects on a sequence diagram it is nice to list them Answer Selected Answer in order in which they participate in the sequence across the top of the diagram A class symbol has the attributes listed in the top compartment Answer Selected Answer False If a class represents only temporary objects then there should be a D in the column of the CRUD matrix Answer Selected Answer True A 20 increase in sales volume is a tangible benefit that can be included in a cost benefit analysis Answer Selected Answer True A complex use case is one that has more than unique transactions Answer Selected Answer 7 When an object sends a message to itself it is called self messaging Answer Selected Answer False Correct A n is an instantiation of a class Answer Selected Answer object When an object sends a message to itself in a sequence diagram that is referred to as Answer Selected Answer self delegation The initial state in a behavioral state diagram represents the point at which the object begins to exist Answer Selected Answer True The two types of interaction diagrams are diagrams Answer Selected Answer sequence and communication A derived attribute that is stored is shown on a class diagram with the symbol before the name Answer Selected Answer False Adding messages is the last step in building a communication diagram Answer Selected Answer False are information that is sent to objects to tell it to execute one of its behaviors Answer Selected Answer messages A behavioral state machine is a dynamic model that shows the different state through which a single passes through its life in response to events along with its responses and actions Answer Selected Answer object Both the communication diagram and the sequence diagram can show return messages Answer Selected Answer False A guard condition is a Boolean expression which allows a transition to occur only if a condition is satisfied Answer Selected Answer True An activity in a behavioral state diagram represents the movement of an object from one state to another Answer Correct Answer False 1 is a valid multiplicity on a relationship in a class diagram Answer Selected Answer False The focus in a sequence diagram is on Answer Selected Answer time ordering of messages being passed between objects Correct A common object list is a list of objects that are common to business domains Answer Selected Answer True Correct A JAD facilitator is Answer Selected Answer the person who sets the meeting agenda and guides the discussion Correct A class diagram is a dynamic model that shows how the classes and relationships change over time Answer Selected Answer False Correct A rectangle with rounded corners is used to represent an initial state on a behavioral state diagram Answer Selected Answer False The first step in building a sequence diagram is to Answer Selected

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