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EXP 4640 Psychology of Language Michael Kaschak Spring 2014 This is a study guide utilizing the quiz questions we were asked in class It contains all of the questions except 15 16 and Quiz 10 37 38 39 40 Quiz Questions 1 What is meant by Language as a joint activity Conversation Language is something we do with other people 2 A Phone is a Language Sound A Phoneme is an abstract representation of sound types 3 Which of these is not a possible combination Front and Velar 4 Which of these are Argument Taking Words where the meaning of the world implies that there s something else Verbs and Prepositions 5 Peripheral Construction and phrases that don t follow the grammatical requirements of a language Rule Breakers 6 Syntactic structures Trees are Hierarchical and Branching 7 Which of these is not Argument Taking Noun 8 How many possible sentences are there in the English language Infinite 9 Language developed as a replacement for Grooming The maximum group size for chimps 40 The maximum group size for humans 150 4x Magnitude 10 The vocal tract evolved for linguistic communication The descent of the larynx allowed us to use a richer palette creating more sounds 11 Theory of Mind involves Intention Reading Perspective Taking and Joint Attention 12 Evidence for Language as a social adaptation Brains are the game around the world putting restraints on learning Languages have a common history Only certain kinds of linguistic patterns are easily acquired by by young children 13 Humbolt was the first person to develop the relationship between language and thought Slobin posited Thinking for Speaking The Sapir Whorf Hypothesis states that speakers of different languages perceive things differently 14 Korean uses Degree of Fit The language Dani only uses 2 color terms French codes the path of action as opposed to English which codes the manner of action 15 16 17 The author of the book Verbal Behavior is Skinner 18 Children s social awakening occurs between 9 12 Months 19 The disappearance of egocentrism is essential to the acquisition of Pronouns 20 Children s babbling shows alternation of stables such as badabadabada at age 9 Months 21 Which type of word to children tend to learn first Open Nouns Verbs Adjectives 22 The Mutual Exclusivity Constraint can best be described as Children think that objects have only one label 23 The best predictor of a child s syntactic abilities between Age 2 3 is Vocabulary Size 24 Compared to first born and only children later born children acquire pronouns Earlier 25 Children s acquisition of past tense morphology is categorized by an inverted U shaped pattern of development False a Regular U shaped pattern of development 26 Analogy making plays no role in language development False 27 Variability in input generally aids language acquisition True 28 7 Month infants show the ability to learn sequences True 29 Horse Horticulture Horton are in the same Cohort 30 English has a Deep orthographic system whereas Spanish has a Shallow orthographic system 31 Which of these variables affects visual word recognition All Frequency Age of Acquisition and Neighborhood Effects 32 The variables that affect word recognition in the spoken and written modalities are similar True 33 Which words are ambiguous in the phrase The horse raced past the barn fell raced past the barn 34 Two stage theories suggest that what kind of information is considered first in sentence comprehension Syntax 35 Preferences for low or high attachment syntactic structures are the same across languages False 36 External context Example The world around you can affect the way that you initially comprehend a sentence True Quiz 10 37 38 39 40 41 Which of these is not an aspect of language production Updating 42 Both the accessibility of words and the syntactic constraints of your language affect where you start in producing a sentence True 43 A lemma is a phonological word representation False 44 Neuropsychological data based on brain lesions can be interpreted to suggest that language comprehension and production are distinct from each other False 45 Gesture is a universal aspect of spoken language True 46 People who are blind from birth gesture True 47 The OK sign in an Iconic gesture False it s an Emblem 48 The middle finger is a Metaphorical gesture False it s an Emblem 49 Affect Displays Indicate the emotional content of responses 50 It is possible for the content of one s gestures to mismatch the content of one s speech True 51 Gesture production and speech production share common neural substrates True 52 Preventing a person from gesturing has no influence on their speech False 53 Ancient Egyptians were the first to localize language in the brain True 54 Broca s Area is located in the visual cortex Occipital Lobe False It s located in the Frontal Lobe of the Left Hemisphere 56 Wernicke s Area is located in the Frontal Lobe False It s located at the junction of the Temporal Lobe and the Parietal Lobe 57 The arcuate fasciculus is part of the Wernicke Geschwind Model True

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