MKT 313 Exam 2 Study Guide Chapter 12 Self concept Self concept is defined as the totality of the individual s thoughts and feelings having reference to himself or herself as an object It is an individual s perception of and feelings toward himself or herself as an object Dimensions of Self Concept Private Self o Actual self concept how I actually see myself o Ideal self concept how I would like to see myself Social Self o How others actually see me o How I would like others to see me Independent vs interdependent Independent self concept emphasizes personal goals characteristics achievements and desires Individuals with an independent self concept tend to be individualistic egocentric autonomous self reliant and self contained They define themselves in terms of what they have done what they have and their personal characteristics Interdependent self concept emphasizes family cultural professional and social relationships Individuals with an interdependent self concept tend to be obedient sociocentric holistic connected and relationship oriented They define themselves in terms of social roles family relationships and commonalities with other members of their groups The Extended Self consists of the self plus possessions that is people tend to define themselves in part by their possessions Thus some possessions are not just a manifestation of a person s self concept but are integral part of the person s self identity People to some extent are what they possess and if they lose them they become a different individual o Peak Experience an experience that surpasses the usual level of intensity meaningfulness and richness and produces feelings of joy and self fulfillment A peak experience with a product can propel the product into the extended self The Extended Self Congruity o Mere ownership effect the tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a nonowner This occurs almost immediately upon acquiring an object and increases with time of ownership o Brand Engagement the extent to which an individual includes important brands as part of his or her self concept Consumers prefer brands that match their self concepts but it is important to realize that the degree tow which such self image congruity influences brand preference and choice depends on a number of product situational and individual factors Self image congruity is likely to matter more for products such as perfume where value expressive symbolism is critical than for more utilitarian products such as a garage door opener Self image congruity especially ideal social self is likely to matter more when the situation involves public or conspicuous consumption ex Having a beer with friends at a bar rather than private consumption having a beer at home Self image congruity is likely to matter more for consumers who place heavy weight on the opinions and feelings of others called high self monitors than for consumers who do not low self monitors particularly in public situations where consumption behavior can be observed by others Lifestyle Lifestyle schemes Lifestyle how a person lives how a person enacts his or her self concept and is determined by past experiences innate characteristics and current situation Luxury Sports Cars key demographics were similar across buyers but their lifestyles and motivations were quite different o Top Guns 27 ambitious and driven values control o Elitists 24 old money don t see cars as an extension of their personality o Proud Patrons 23 purchases cars to satisfy themselves rather than others o Bon Vivants 17 thrill seekers o Fantasists 9 uses their car as an escape feel guilty Technology how technology is used by consumers can be categorized based off of different attitudes lifestyles adoption and usage patterns o Wizards 31 technology is life o Journeymen 13 technology is an important part of my life o Apprentices 31 technology is changing my life o Novices 25 technology has a limited impact on my life VALS VALS is the most popular application of psychographic research by marketing managers and provides a systematic classification of American adults into eight distinct segments VALS is based on enduring psychological characteristics that correlate with purchase patterns Two dimensions o 1 Primary Motivation motives are critical determinants of behavior and have strong linkages to personality and self concept Three primary consumer motivations Ideals motivation these consumers are guided in their choices by their beliefs and principles rather than be feelings or desire fro social approval Purchase functionality and reliability Achievement Motivation strives for a clear social position and are strongly influenced by the actions approval and opinions of others They purchase status symbols Self expression Motivation action oriented consumers who strive to express their individuality through choices Purchase experiences o 2 Resources reflects the ability of individuals to pursue their dominant self orientation It refers to the full range of psychological physical demographic and material means on which consumers can draw VALS Segments Innovators successful sophisticated take charge people with high self esteem They are change leaders and are most receptive to new ideas and technology Thinkers mature satisfied comfortable and reflective They tend to be well educated and actively seek out information in the decision making process Favor functionality durability and value Believers strongly traditional and respect rules and authority Fundamentally conservative slow to change and technology avers Choose familiar products and established brands Achievers goal oriented lifestyles that center on family and career Avoid situations that encourage a high degree of stimulation or change Prefer premium products that demonstrate success to their peers Strivers trendy and fun loving have little discretionary income favor stylish products that emulate the purchases of people with greater wealth Experiencers appreciate the unconventional they are active and impulsive seeking stimulation from the new offbeat risky Spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion socializing and entertainment Makers value practicality and self sufficiency They choose hands on constructive activities and spend leisure time with family and close friends Prefer value to luxury and buy basic products Prefer to buy American Survivors lead narrowly focused lives Because they have the fewest resources they
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