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POS2001 Professor Mark Druash Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 I Introduction Concepts and Discussion Various academic disciplines attempt to explain reality within their disciplines tunnel vision but no discipline explains reality completely Physics chemistry psychology and political science Concepts of quantitative measurement and qualitative measurement The discipline of political science uses a multidisciplinary approach to explaining and understanding political phenomena applying knowledge from various disciplines and by applying both quantitative measurement techniques What government IS can be debated What a government can DO is seldom debated One major purpose of any constitution is to place limits on government action The balance of power concept Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD Spheres of Influence Ex USA vs USSR Ex USA vs Russia vs European Union vs China vs Japan vs Arab Usually instability in the balance of power leads to armed struggles Syria world Libya Egypt Politics Government Defined Politics all factors used to influence decision making other than technical considerations Politics View by public is negative Determines who gets what when and how Uses influence and power to get things done Note the technical vs the political influences in public decision making Political Science the science that studies who gets what when and how thus the study of both public and private resources allocations Contrasting Hard Science with Soft Science 1 The Chemist The Politician uses quantitative experiments and makes decisions and conclusions with out divergent interests resulting in a high degree of accuracy replication and predictability influenced by a number of divergent interests results in a low degree of accuracy replication and predictability Political scientist accuracy replication and predictability uses both quantitative and qualitative data but is study thru process and attempt to increase Governments people and or organizations that create enforce and implement political decisions for society Essential characteristics include the following Freedom to select who governs Free Secure ballot Freedom to run for office Freedom to debate issues thru media outlets Illegitimate governments those governments who have some or none of the above characteristics Concept of diplomatic recognition when a nation recognizes another nation as having a representative government that satisfies their definition as a legitimate NOTE The use of legitimate words for illegitimate activities and or leaders II Government Functions Functional elements found in governments found in all governments however some governments do a better job than others in the performance of these functions Western governments models share a common structure which recognizes and establishes legislative judicial executive functions in separate branches of government no overlapping membership Concept of political and cultural relativism a strong positive correlation connecting a nations culture with the development of a political system its structure and its performance Concept of cultural and political parity although politically correct popular in the K 12 school system is a failed theory which is generally inaccurate and fails scientific review What Governments Do Rule making an authoritative act legislatives make laws 2 Rule execution of law enforcement of laws CEO President sometimes laws are passed legitimately but cannot be enforced largely to poorly functioning governments immigration Rule adjudication meaning the legal system court system the application on punishment associated with degree of guilt These functions should be housed in separate and formal governmental institutions Rule making legislative vs Rule execution President vs Rule adjunction court system Regular communication with citizens media Recruitment of leader parties Extract resources taxes Function of political socialization schools Age Life experiences as a cohort to political influences Life cycle vs Big event influences Know your audience when seeking public office III Traditional Classification of Governments general classes Greek philosopher Aristotle 384 322 BC is considered to be the father of political science Political science studies resources allocation Termed it as the master science since it determines who gets what The free market does not exist absolutely The zero sum game The impact of minimum wage Aristotle defines the basic forms of government A Democracy bottom up system of governance where authority comes from the populace and directs those who are elected this includes the following characteristics Everyone past a certain age has the right to vote this age is defined by all votes count equally For example the rich do not all governments Political equality get more votes than the poor Popular consultation those special conditions as outlined in a nations constitution The majority rule Rights of minority is maintained as defined in constitutional law anyone of voting age can run for office except in 3 Aristotle did not favor this type of government for a number of reasons Among these is that it could not sustain itself Today s threat to democracy is the Oligarchy entry to political arena thru family blood or tribe or association Representation Types of Elected Officials vs Populist asks voters Mandate elite NOTE differences between USA and British Democratic systems and the rare separation of power model decentralized vs centralized systems but remember the parliamentary system most popular system in the world Mandate Populist Decentralized Centralized talks only when needed gets votes and leaves ask voters majority part chooses who wins common man counts B Authoritarian top down system of governance monarchy Controlling consumption is controlled speed is controlled etc C Totalitarian extreme top down system of governance Very controlling tell you who to marry etc Review handout of Table 5 1 IV The Stakes of Politics Five 5 Consequences A Allocation of Resources Majority of political decisions are made here The redistribution of income and resources Free market vs government taking taxes Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations Laissez faine philosophy Traditional liberalism government hands off The undeniable linkage of democracy and free enterprise economics We have a mixed economy with various degrees of government Nature and degree of this issue in a nation impacts how a government acts Positive rights and negative rights

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