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FINAL STUDY GUIDE SPC 1017 Chapter 1 1 An activity exchange or set of behaviors that occurs over time or to say that communication is an ever changing activity Process 2 The understanding of a message communications is defined as the process of using messages to generate Meaning 3 A message initiator Source Feedback Encoding Decoding Dialogue 4 The receiver s verbal and nonverbal responses to the source s 5 The process of translating an idea or thought into a code 6 The process of assigning meaning to the idea or thought in a code 7 The act of taking part in a conversation discussion or negotiation 8 of the message describes the behavior that is expected 9 of the message suggests how it should be interpreted Content Dimension Relational 10 The process of using messages to generate meanings in a mediated system between a source and a large number of unseen receivers Mass Communication A set of moral principles or values NCA Credo of Ethics 11 12 The communication process functions best when individuals are actively involved in taking part in a conversation discussion or negotiation with others Which word describes these functions of this communication process 13 Messages are said to have two types of dimensions If you examine the messages of others strictly for the substance then you are most concerned about which of the dimensions Dialogue Content 14 Which of the following statements about the goals of communication is accurate The NCA Credo of Ethics may no be consistent with other academic disciples cultures and beliefs Chapter 2 15 At the end of a lengthy three hour class period Jennifer found herself listening less to what her professor had to say and just reduced herself to simply recording the information being provided Based on the discussion of the perception process in the text what reflects Jennifer s behavior in this class means that your mind is not engaged in the present moment 16 People differ from each other in height weight body type sex Passive Perception and senses Physiological Factors stimuli Selection 17 You neglect some stimuli in your environment to focus on other 18 The tendency to expose ourselves to information that reinforces 19 The tendency to remember better the things that reinforces our rather than contradicts our beliefs or opinions Selective Exposure beliefs than those that oppose them Selective Retention The focal point of a person s attentions The background against which a person s focused attention occurs The tendency to fill in missing information in order to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement 23 The principle that elements are grouped together because they share attributes such as size color or shape When you walk into a classroom on the first day of class you sit next to a person who is of the same gender and who is wearing similar clothing to yourself Figure Ground Closure Similarity Projection Our belief that others are fundamentally like us A generalization of all attributes based on one attribute which can be negative or positive Dan is good at math so he must be a good student and a person Halo Effect The perceptual error of viewing everyone as average or neutral Central Tendency Self Actualization According to Maslow the fulfillment of one s potential as a person The picture an individual has of himself or herself the sort of 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 Individuals who are highly aware of their impression management 30 What are the physiological factors that that could lead to difference person an individual believes he or she is Self Image behavior High Self Monitor in perception Gender and body temperature Chapter 3 31 32 34 35 The branch of language study that is concerned with meaning Semantics A theory that our perception of reality is determined by our thought processes and our thought processes are limited by ou language and therefore that language shapes our reality 33 An individualized or personalized meaning of a word which may Sapir Whorf be emotionally laden Connotative Meaning An expression that has lost originality and force through overuse The technical language developed by a professional group language may create confusion when technical terms created by a professional group are used with audiences unfamiliar with the terms 36 Restating another person s message by rephrasing the content or Clich Jargon intent of the message Paraphrasing changes over time Dating 37 Specifying when you made an observation since everything 38 The practice of describing observed behavior or phenomena instead of offering personal reactions or judgments Descriptiveness Classified reality Conclusions drawn from observations Inferences See that guy over by the pop machine with the brown hair and the Metallica t shirt This statement illustrates what Identifying the uniqueness of objects events and people Indexing What strategy would help you be descriptive Check your perceptions 39 40 41 Chapter 4 42 The process of using messages that are not words to generate Complementation others Regulation facial expressions Kinesics called Personal Distance and use time Chromatics meaning Nonverbal Communication 43 Nonverbal and verbal codes add meaning to each other and expand the meaning of either there messages alone 44 Nonverbal cues are used to monitor and control interactions with 45 46 The purposefulness of nonverbal codes Intentionality The study of bodily movements including posture gestures and 47 The zone distance extending 18 inches to 4 feet from your body is 48 Also called Temporal communication the way people organize The non word sounds and non word characteristics of language Paralinguistic Features Also called object language is the study of the human use of clothing and other artifacts as nonverbal codes Objectics Emoticons Regulators Sarina holds up her hand to indicate STOP while Robert is talking to her Sarina s nonverbal gesture is an example of While eating dinner with her friends Natalie noticed a nice looking ma sitting two tables away She smiled at the man when he looked at her to indicate she was interested What type of nonverbal functions is being fulfilled through this interaction Affect Displays 54 After being late for their group meeting for the second time in less than a week Richard s group members decided they needed to talk to him about the group norm concerning time which is referred to as Chronemics Nonverbal elements of the voice are referred to as The fact that a wedding ring signifies one s

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