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Media Culture and the Environment Spring 2013 EXAM 3 April 29 2013 NAME Instructions 1 FILL IN YOUR NAME ON THE TEST AND THE SCAN FORM 2 ON THE FORM LINE OF YOUR SCAN FORM WRITE THE COLOR OF THE PAPER YOUR TEST IS PRINTED ON 3 DO NOT SKIP ANY ANSWERS 4 USE A 2 PENCIL BUBBLE IN YOUR ANSWERS 5 WHEN FINISHED PLACE YOUR TEST AND FORM IN THE PROPER PILE AND LEAVE QUIETLY The exam consists of one section multiple choice section 1 What does the 350 in the 350 campaign represent A The number of members they acquired in the first year of the campaign B The number in watts of energy we waste per person each year C The safe upper limit of CO2 in parts per million in the atmosphere that we are currently above D The amount of chapters the campaign has in the United States 2 According to the 350 powerpoint and information looked at in class we currently have ppm parts per million in the atmosphere and this number is rising about ppm per year A 392 10 B 392 2 C 350 10 D 275 2 3 350 org claims to A work hard to organize in a new way everywhere at once using online tools to facilitate strategic offline action B work hard to simply educate individuals C be the number one campaign fighting climate change D facilitate online action only 4 In Cradle to Cradle discussed meaning if we reuse materials we do not reduce its quality but rather increase the quality as the materials go to their next use 5 As discussed in lecture this idea of manufacturing of materials ties back to the closed cycle manufacturing discussed in History of Stuff 6 When creating an environmental campaign a communication expert realizes that A one can use a single message and it will effective on all individuals B messages are the magic bullet as long as you have a catchy slogan you will C persuade your audience individuals are all different with diverse backgrounds knowledge and values and one message will not work on everyone 7 are the largest group they are convinced that climate change is happening and a serious problem but have not yet engaged in the issue personally even though they support a vigorous national response a recycling b upcycling c bicycling a Cradle to grave b Cradle to cradle c Rockaby method A The Alarmed B The Concerned C The Cautious D The Dismissive A The Concerned B The Cautious 8 are actively engaged in the issue but on the opposite end they believe that climate change is not happening and is not a threat to either people or nature and strongly believe it is not a problem for national response C The Doubtful D The Dismissive 9 When asked How much had you thought about global warming before today which groups in the Six Americas are among those that thought about global warming today A The Alarmed The Concerned and The Cautious B The Dismissive The Cautious and The Concerned C The Cautious The Alarmed and The Disengaged D The Alarmed The Concerned and The Dismissive 10 In terms of the degrees of certainty that climate change is occurring the are the most concerned and the are the least concerned 11 In terms of attitudinal certainty when they were asked to answer I could easily change my mind about global warming which groups are among those that could see their attitudes changing 12 Connecting environmental concerns about how food is produced with labor concerns about how food workers are treated is an example of A The Dismissive The Alarmed B The Alarmed The Dismissive C The Alarmed The Doubtful D The Doubtful The Alarmed A The Alarmed The Dismissive B The Cautious The Dismissive C The Doubtful The Alarmed D The Cautious The Disengaged a Ecocentrism b Anthropocentrism c Deep Ecology d Environmental Justice e Ecotage 13 When social movements attempt to promote alternative discourses they a Attempt to redefine what constitutes a common sense embodied in the everyday practices of society b Attempt to maintain perceptions of society c Keep experience static and consistent d Manipulate the mass media with false information e Attempt to revise only elite power and ideas 14 Which of the following is NOT one of the dominating discourses in the environmental movement a Conservationism b Preservationism c Ecocentrism d EcoMenism e Ecofeminism 15 Environmental discourses have emerged in the context of a discourse of Manifest Destiny in which of the following ways a Morality played a critical part in westward expansion b Wilderness was the hero the pioneer was the villan c Manifest destiny continues to animate collective behavior d A and B e A and C 16 Conservationism differs from preservationism because a Conservationism promotes human interests while preservation promotes animal interests enjoyment of nature natural beauty b Conservationism promotes resource regulation while preservationism promotes c Preservationism promotes resource regulation while conservationism promotes d Conservationism and preservationism are the same e None of these 17 The concerns surrounding Rachel Carson s Silent Spring and the need to promote environmental quality because of humans relationship to the environment is part of a Conservationism b Ecofeminism c Ecocentrism d Political Ecology e Preservationism 18 Which is NOT a subgroup that has emerged under political ecology a People of Color Environmental Movement b Social Ecology c Social Science d Environmental Justice Movement e None these have all emerged 19 The idea that intuition about the intrinsic value of nature will ground a respectful way of living with natural non human world is a key piece of deep ecology Who is a major proponent of this philosophy a Dave Foreman founder of Earth First b Sierra Club members c Robert Kenner director of Food Inc d Subaru Green Cars e Random Ecoterrorists 20 Ecofeminism began to be more popular in which time period a 1920 1930 b 1850 1860 c 1970 1980 d 2000 2010 e 1950 1960 21 A mind bomb that explodes in the public consciousness to transform the way people view the world is what a An image event b An image attack c A language construction d A learning experience e None of these 22 What formula did Greenpeace use to get media coverage of their 1970s anti whaling campaign a Drama controversy coverage b Drama learning coverage c Subtly acceptance coverage d Following the rules open mindedness coverage e Science knowledge policy 23 Which of the following is NOT true of Direct Action a Direct action s message is aimed at the audience b Direct action relies on creative communication of the message c Direct action works to expand the universe of

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FSU COM 3420 - Media, Culture and the Environment

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