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STUDY GUIDE EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER FIVE Observation What are the two main purposes of observational research Observation Method of data collection in which the situation of interest is watched and the relevant facts actions or behaviors are recorded Therefore the purpose of observation research is to collect data from seeing an event happen and use it to improve or change your product to please the observation witnessed and recorded With observation being a fact of everyday life we are constantly observing events as a way to gain information Researchers use this approach to uncover observations that are systematic and form easily recorded trends Observations such as an elderly woman getting dog treats and a trend of older people and children wanting treats from the top shelf led to the treats being moved to a more accessible shelf and increase in sales How does observation research differ from survey and experimental research Communication based research involves a lot of errors that could be taken into account such as forgetting lieing misunderstanding and more Whereas observational research is simply witnessing what is really happening live and what consumers are doing It is the best method to generate valid data What are constraints of survey methods phone etc Constraints on survey methods could be a number of things Is the person on the other line for a phone the person you want to actually be talkting to Does the person understand the question Is the person lieing to look better in your eyes Did they forget what they have done in the past What can be observed Physical actions Going out and making a purchase o how you paid for it o what you re buying o your path of how you re purchasing shopping vs buying Verbal behavior o What people talk about in a bar o Talking online tweet facebook any social networking Expressive behavior facial expressions body language o Show them a product idea and see their body language and expressive behaviors Spatial relations and locations the way people interact with their physical environment o In lines stores o ATM machines how close people stand together Temporal patterns how long things take any time dimension o Drive through how long it takes to place wait pay get order o How much time people spend on a website where next Verbal and pictorial records o Telephone that records you o Hate sites o Taking pictures of peoples homes pantries closets o Bar codes on product packages Why do we have so many different observational techniques There is so many observational techniques due to humans being able to be observed in so many different ways For example voice pitch analasys says something completely different than an eye track camera Body language and movements even events that trend can be observed and interpreted in different ways therefore there has to be many techniques to read and get value from the different observable features on humans What is the difference between natural and contrived observation Natural subjects are observed in the environment where the behavior normally takes place Contrived subjects are observed in an environment that has been specially designed for recording their behvior STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER SIX Communication 1 What is a survey A survey is a structured or unstructured communication activity to gather research by polling sections of the population considered to be representative of a whole 2 How does a survey differ from an experiment a Survey A survey provides opinions from various people about a particular product or about particular issues A survey is conducted to exemplify the usefulness of a product to a consumer and is also conducted at a mass scale with lots of data whereas an experiment does not require such A surveys results are more often opinions that may show bias but the results of an experiment are confirmed results that reflect true nature of a product b Experiment An experiment is a study to prove something scientifically An experiment is conducted to ensure the effectiveness of a product and its safety 3 What is the purpose of doing a survey Other than the use of observational data communication techniques surveys must be also used to capture most other kinds of data from individuals in order to make informed decisions Businesses don t always have the ability to meet customers personally on a regular basis so a survey is a useful low cost method to gather customer feedback good or bad It is useful in understanding your target market to conduct a brand strategy Before launching new products a survey can be used to understand important features to consumers and their needs to formulate a marketing plan 4 What are the many different types of survey techniques Structured v Unstructured Structured Not flexible The degree of standardization used everyone receives the same questions and everyone responds by choosing the same set of possible answers People filling documents out Questions are fixed Example Questions that require yes no or agree disagree Unstructured More flexible More open ended questions The respondent gets to respond in his or her own words and may be able to interact with the interviewer dialog Disguised v Undisguised Disguised The amount of knowledge about the purpose or sponsor of a study influenced by the communicated to the respondent so people s responses aren t company conducting the survey 2 reasons to disguise When knowledge of the sponsor or topic is likely to cause respondents to change their answers Help create a more natural environment to collect data Undisguised Makes the purpose of the research obvious either in the intro the instructions or the questions themselves Personal Interviews Direct face to face conversation between an interviewer and the respondent Mall intercepts Method of data collection in which interviewers in a mall stop or interrupt a sample of those passing by to ask them if they would be willing to participate in a research study Telephone interviews Telephone conversation between an interviewer and a respondent Random digit dialing Technique used in studies using telephone interviews in which the numbers to be called are randomly generated Computer assisted interviewing CAI Using computers to manage the sequence of questions and to electronically record the answers Mail questionnaire A questionnaire administered by mail to designated an accompanying cover letter and reply envelope respondents with Internet based questionnaires A

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