Child Guidance Study Guide I have entered into each chat session with Dr Krantz so here are a few things he mentioned in the chat sessions 1 I want to add something very important These children are not all the same and there differences will have a big effect on power demand That needs to be part of your response particularly in Child Factors and Relationship Factors 2 Yes you are healthy and athletic but there are many things about you personally that I don t know So for example you might have a disability or just some annoying habits that might raise power demand Include those in your guider factors but DO NOT LECTURE DO NOT QUOTE THE ETEXT 3 Just talk about your own monitoring and surveilling abilities and be sure to self evaluate and say how that affects power demand 4 Do not tell me what you are going to do Just analyze the situations and 5 tell me about the power demand not what you would do to fix the problem In the beginning Goals section just mention the goals In the Goal Factors PDA section that is where you pick ONE of your goals and work through the subcategories and talk about power demand effects of each of the subcategories 6 Pay some attention to which children you are referring to A goal does not have to be for every child Week One Lecture 1 Introduction o A badly behaved child who has learned that her parents have no power is not o The school psychologist is there person who diagnoses disability in school likely to have ADHD settings o The school psychologist must control a child s behavior to allow for valid assessment of a child s abilities and disabilities o The appropriate behaviors for testing include Focused attention Self control Compliance with instructions o The Power Demand Analysis helps you to assess what it will take to accomplish your goals in a situation After the power demand analysis has been completed the guider has a detailed understanding of how much power will be required to accomplish the goals o Child Guidance is the process by which adults parents professionals influence children to become adaptive members f society o Guidance by parents Parents have a distinct advantage in the fact that they are potentially powerful influences in their children s lives from the earliest moments of development Parents should guide their children for the eventual control by other guiders o Guidance by professionals Inherit the children that parents have designed for better or for worse Lecture 2 Context of Child guidance chapter 2 o The school counselor deals with the academic and social and emotional challenges that children face in school settings Help a student plan his schedule Get student more mentally healthy to become better students o Intervention if a child is cutting class a lot figure out a goal of changing his classroom attendance behavior as a school guidance counselor o What goals would you set for day one with a group of children who have lost a loved one is 50 minute time period When asked for a goal don t tell what you want to do tell what the goal Want them to grieve in a more positive way but isn t realistic for a Want them to express sympathy and feel safe in their relationship with the counselor and group My goal is to make each child of the 6 comfortable with me so that we have an in that 50 minute period emotional connection Goals must be defined in a way that allows the goals to be measured That way change can be assessed o A situation is defined by the goals that you intend your children to achieve in the time available o A therapy hour is 50 minutes o A guidance episode the situation defined by a goal defined by a specific set of interactions that are going to go on between you and a child or you and a group of children A student will come to us and they react to what we say and then we react to what they say etc etc o Power bouts longer transactive discipline interactions in which the mother and child were locked in a battle of wills In power bouts the sequences of the mother s behavior might follow multiple pathways involving escalation progressive submission or simple repeated unsuccessful attempts at the same level of power assertion o Goal Consensus when your goals and a child s goals overlap completely When goal consensus exists or is achieved the children may be so motivated to achieve the goals that they work toward the goals with minimal guidance that is the child s self control may be sufficient to bring about total achievement of the mutually desired outcomes Lecture 3 Intro to PDA chapter 3 o Your theory of child guidance organizes everything that you do with children o The power demand may suddenly increase so be prepared with an extra source o Power Application Strategy strategies by which guiders assess the sources of in a guidance episode of power if that happen power in specific situations sources o The power demand analysis assesses power demands from the following Child factors physical psych factor within the child that determines the child s ability to respond positively or negatively to guidance Guider factors physical psych factors within the guider that influence his her ability to establish him herself as an authority to effectively guide children toward specific goals Relationship factors characteristics of the relationship between the guider and child that influences the guider s efforts to move towards goals children Setting factors physical and structural forces that enhance or impede the guiders efforts toward goals Goal factors characteristics of goals that increase or decrease power demand on the guider Some goals are more critical to a development than others thereby increasing power demands child s long term o Video of the woman teaching an out of control 4th grade class The class does not see her as an authority figure at all She dressed very professional and was attractive tall and fit She needs a chair to sit on that is higher than them so she is in a position of control The classroom is also not very stimulating welcoming and There were only big heavy wooded chairs for the kids to sit on the worst possible for forming groups Week 2 Lecture 4 Goal Perceptions chapter 4 Goals that a child brings into a situation play a significant role in a child s guidability 1 The guider presents the goals to the child 2 The child comprehends the goals to varying degrees 3 The child assesses the overlap between his or her goals those presented by the guider 4 The child offers self control toward the guiders
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