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Study Guide for Intro Final By Gregoire Narcisse 1 Identify key motives for sport participation spectation and sport product Chapter 16 Sport Consumer Behavior Learning Objectives purchases a Participation Motives i Over 100 motives ii Has extrinsic and intrinsic rewards look at key terms iii 3 key motives 1 Achievement motivation a Need to compete and win and be the best 2 Social motivation 3 Mastery motivation a Need for social interaction with those participating a The need for skill development learning and personal challenges b Spectator motives i Diversion 1 Distraction from everyday life 2 Get away from stress and boredom ii Eustress 1 Positive levels of arousal provided to sport spectators 2 Desire for drama and excitement 3 BIRGing is a key driver of attendance a Basking in Reflective Glory b Fans associate themselves with a winning team c Participating and spectator markets i Must compare motives for participation with those of spectating to figure out if a sport product will be purchased 2 Define consumer perception and its application to the sport industry a Perceiving sport as meeting a particular need or motive i Depends on the person s perceptions or experiences b People tend to act and react based on perceptions rather than objective reality i Marketer spend lots of time and money to change consumer s perceptions of certain products and services c Perception defined i Process by which a person selects organizes and interprets stimuli to create a meaningful picture of the world d How someone perceives a sport in one country may not be how it is perceived in 3 Describe the components of consumers attitudes toward sport another a Attitudes i Expressions of one s inner feelings that reflect likes and dislikes b Based on three components i Behavioral 1 Person s experiences 2 Actions toward the sport ii Affective 1 Person s feelings 2 Feelings about the sport iii Cognitive 1 Person s beliefs 2 Beliefs about the sport 4 Differentiate between consumer involvement and identification a Consumer Involvement i A combination of a person s interests in a sport product and the degree to which the person considers the product an important part of his her life ii The more a person becomes involved in a sport team or product the more it becomes part of their identity b Internal motives for participating in or watching sport i Loyalty ii Involvement iii Identification c Consumer involvement is closely related to consumer identification because the more involved you get with a sport the more you identify with it d Identification occurs as a person s role becomes central to his or her personal sense of identity 5 Explain ways in which groups can influence the consumption behaviors of individuals a External factors influencing buying behavior i People closest to us ii Groups with whom we choose to associate iii Broader society in which we live b Reference Groups i Chosen based on what consumer has learned ii Can affect what a consumer learns subsequently c Direct and indirect reference groups influence the ways in which we consume sport d Culture is a direct influence group 6 Discuss the process of consumer decision making in sport a Common progression in decision making process as consumer i Situational influences internal influences and external influences all lead to the decision process ii Need Recognition 1 Perception of a difference between a desired state and the actual situation iii Seeks information to resolve problem or fulfill need iv Determines purchase options v Evaluates alternatives vi Makes purchase decision vii Engages in post purchase evaluation 1 Cognitive Dissonance a Feelings of anxiety or doubt that can occur after an important decision has been made 7 Identify situational factors that can influence the decision making process a Isolating influences of internal or external forces is difficult b Different contexts and situations result in different decisions c A situation is a set of factors i Outside the individual consumer ii Removed from the product or advertisement of the product that the consumer is buying d Situational Influence i The influence arising from factors that are particular to a specific time and place and are independent of individual customers characteristics e Five categories of situational influence i Physical surroundings include geographic location d cor sound smells lighting weather and crowding ii Social surroundings refer to the effects of the physical presence of others iii Task requirements speak to the context of the purchase iv Time pressures the time of day v Purchasing can be affected by antecedent states such as anxiety excitement or even hunger and by momentary conditions such as cash on hand fatigue or illness 8 Apply ethical reasoning and critical thinking skills to sport consumer behavior a Obesity is a major problem today due to how i Due to lackadaisical nature of americans Key Terms characteristics or behavior marketing efforts Market segment a portion of the population that is distinctive in terms of its needs Target Market market segments or segments identified as the focus of an organization s Extrinsic rewards rewards given to a person by someone else Intrinsic rewards rewards received by a person from the experience itself Diversion a distraction from a course or activity Eustress positive levels of arousals provided to sport spectators Aspirational reference group a group to which an individual wishes to belong Situational influence the influence arising from factors that are particular to a specific time and place and are independent of individual customers characteristics Need recognition perception of a difference between a desired state and the actual situation the first stage of the decision making process Cognitive dissonance feelings of anxiety or doubt that can occur after an important decision has been made Chapter 17 Legal Consideration in Sport Management Learning Objectives organizations negligence 1 Identify select legal issues affecting sport management stakeholders operations and a Sport manager must know court systems legislative acts and legal topics such as 2 Explain the American judicial system and its application to the sport industry a Divided into separate i Federal and state systems ii Federal and state constitutions iii U S Congress and state legislatures iv Federal and state court systems b US constitution is the supreme law in the United States i Sport programs governed by the constitution

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