COURSE CODE CSS 414 COURSE TITLE COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY COURSE OUTLINE Communication The mass media Media ownership and control The Nigerian social structure Culture and the mass media Cultural imperialism and media dependency Globalisation and the mass media Technology and the mass media Social institution and the mass media Media ethics LECTURER DR ISIAKA HARUNA 1 INTRODUCTION Communication which is the process of transferring thoughts ideas facts feelings etc from one person to another is very important in human existence Without communication life will be meaningless and human interaction would be impossible Here we shall examine the concept of communication with particular emphasis on its meaning types and process DEFINITIONS OF COMMUNICATION Simply put communication is the transmission of a message from the source through a medium to a receiver who produces an effect or feedback So defined communication then is an ongoing reciprocal processes involving the sender and the receiver Harold Lasswell 1948 The reciprocal process of communication The transmitter or encoder designs a message and sends it through a selected medium to the receiver decoder The receiver decodes interpret the message and sends it back as feedback to the transmitter who in turn responds to him her and the process continues hence the reciprocal process nature of communication 2 Communication is the process by which one person or a group shares and imparts information to another person or group so that both people or group clearly understand one another Udall R Udall S 1979 5 Communication is not just the giving of information it is the giving of understandable information and receiving and understanding the message Communication is the transferring of a message to another party so that it can be understood and acted upon Eyre E C 1983 7 Types of Communication Human communication falls into two broad categories verbal and nonverbal communication Verbal communication is that which is done through the use of words It can be oral or written Non verbal communication on the other hand is the communication carried out without speech It includes the following ii Sign e g Road traffic signs boy scout signs etc 2 iii Object e g such as artwork uniform crown etc iv Action e g drama boxing football etc v Genetic factor communication e g skin colour shape of head body proportion There are also other forms of communication 1 Intrapersonal communication this is the transfer of information that takes place within an individual Example of intrapersonal communication is soliloquy monologue 2 Interpersonal communication is the exchange of ideas opinions and information between two people It could be face to face or through the telephone Here the sender shares his ideas or information with the receiver unlike intrapersonal communication where the communicator keeps his ideas to himself 3 Group communication this involves three or more people When three or more people come together with a specific goal in mind a group is formed Their coming together may be accidental or by design but so long as there is exchange of ideas and information among the group you have group communication Group communication can take place where a group shares ideas with one another for the attainment of group goal It could be in the family school churches offices etc 4 Mass communication is the process of transmitting information ideas attitudes values and beliefs through a communication device and modern gadgets to a relatively large heterogeneous and anonymous audience simultaneously it is often general and targeted at a large audience The message is rapid and transient in nature as it is meant to be consumed immediately Communication channels like radio television magazine newspapers and the internet are employed Unlike other forms of communication where the response or feedback is direct and immediate the feedback in mass communication is indirect and inferential etc Process of Communication Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines a process as a series of actions that someone takes in order to achieve a particular result Communication process involves the following 3 This is also known as the source the encoder the communicator or the sender The transmitter is the initiator of the communication encounter The source or sender of the message ideas or information may be an individual a group or an organization We can thus talk about intrapersonal interpersonal intra organizational and inter organizational communication After the sender decides to share his ideas feelings and information with someone else he will choose which symbols to use to put across his message across to the receiver Either through writing speaking gesturing etc is some of the means the communicator can chose to reach out to the intended receiver Designing of the message is the stimulus for transmission Transmitter Design the Message Select the Medium The communicator chooses appropriate channel to carefully and timely convey his information to the receiver Soola O 1998 14 explains the rationale for choice of medium According to him your choice of a medium must be based on your understanding of the audience Of particular relevance in this regard is whether the receiver is educated or not whether or not he can read and write as well as his level of understanding of the language of communication Other factors to consider include the physical distance separating the source from the receiver as well as the nature of the message the part of the receiver Receiver The receiver is the decoder of the message The receiver needs to pay much attention in order to receive the message with clear understanding There must be perceptive listening on Design the Response At this stage the receiver organizes and responds to the stimulus having got the message interpreted by his central nervous system 4 Select the Medium Again the receiver has to select a method of sending his reply back to the source The decoder who receives the message must participate in the communication exchange He will have to respond through an appropriate medium Feedback This is the reaction or reply to the message Feedback is the last but an important part of the communication process Sybil et al 1990 10 stated that feedback helps to show whether or not i Communication has taken place ii The decoder of the message has understood iii The decoder is prepared and willing to partake in the communication process
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