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MATH 2510 Introduction to Statistics Section 581 Summer 2012 Instructor Kevin Manley PhD Course Website http euclid colorado edu manleyk Email manleyk colorado edu O ce Math 237 O ce Hours MTuWF 1 2pm by appointment and online to be determined Class Meeting None the class is completely online About the course In MATH 2510 we will study elementary statistical measures introduce common statistical distributions statistical inference and hypothesis testing You are expected to have already mastered basic algebra skills The prerequisite for this course is two years of high school algebra If you have not mastered that material Math 1011 College Algebra might be a more suitable course for you to take About the Text The textbook Understandable Statistics 9th ed by Brase and Brase is available in hardcover online There is also an e book edition that comes with your subscription to Aplia required see the homework section Either is acceptable but you must buy an Aplia subscription Note that the e book expires and will disappear after the course ends If you want a permanent version buy the paper copy as well Homework You will have homework for every lecture It will be a lot of work but that s how you learn math We will be using an interactive online homework system called Aplia You will need to purchase this homework package from http www Aplia com The homework will be posted at http www Aplia com Any homework not turned in on time will earn a grade of zero However your lowest two homework grades will be dropped the average of the remaining homework grades will account for 1 4 of your semester course grade If you give me a note from a medical or psychiatric doctor on the doctor s stationery or on the stationery of a hospital or clinic like Wardenburg signed by the doctor and including dates written in by the doctor on which you were too sick to do homework and or come to class or have a university sponsored excuse I will give you an extension Online Recitation There will also be an online recitation run by Heather Mc Bryde the learning assis tant for this class The discussions she assigns are meant to increase your understanding of the material and will count for 1 12 of your semester grade Midterm Exams There will be one midterm exam which I will email to you July 2nd and due via email slipped under my door or postmarked by 5pm July 6th Write these down on your calendar NOW The midterm exam will count for 1 3 of your semester course grade Note that they are intended to be about 90 minutes long so you should have ample time Final Exam The nal exam will be emailed to you August 6th and will be due 5pm August 10th The nal exam WILL NOT be cumulative and will count for 1 3 of your grade Calculators You will need a scienti c calculator for the work in class homework and exams Note that this is the only electronic device you are allowed to use on any of the exams Also note that you will not be allowed to use that statistics packages in the calculator Doing the calculations the long way will help you to understand what is actually going on Semester Grades Your semester grade will be determined by your homework 1 3 and and your nal exam 1 12 your midterm exam 1 1 3 4 your recitation grade More Help From time to time you ll probably nd yourself a little confused or in need of clari cation When that happens please email me I ll reply within 2 business days barring bizarre circumstances usually within the same day I post notes for every section we cover and some we don t on the course website These are meant to supplement clarify and sometimes correct the reading in the text Testing Accommodations If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability please submit to me a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities Contact 303 492 8671 Center for Community N200 and http www colorado edu disabilityservices If you have a temporary medical condition or injury see guidelines at disabilityservices go cgi select temporary html Disability Services letters for students with disabilities indicate legally mandated reasonable accommo dations The syllabus statements and answers to Frequently Asked Questions can be found at http www colorado edu disabilityservices http www colorado edu Campus Policy Regarding Religious Observances Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every e ort to deal reasonably and fairly with all students who because In of religious obligations have con icts with scheduled exams assignments or required attendance this class please contact me about the religious obligation at least one week in advance and we will make arrangements for an alternate testing time or a homework extension See full details at http www colorado edu policies fac relig html Classroom Behavior Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learn ing environment Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline Pro fessional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with di erences of race color culture religion creed politics veteran s status sexual orientation gender gender identity and gender expression age disability and nationalities Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student s legal name I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appro priate changes to my records See policies at http www colorado edu policies classbehavior html and at http www colorado edu studentaffairs judicialaffairs code html student code Student Conduct Code Cell phones pagers music players and all similar devices are to be turned o during all class sessions Students may not listen to music play games browse the Internet or engage in other activities not related to the course during class sessions No electronic equipment of any kind other than your calculator will be permitted during midterm exams and the nal exam Treat others with respect Be polite and attentive For further details see http www colorado edu studentaffairs studentconduct downloads StudentConductPoliciesandProcedures pdf Academic Honesty All students of the University of Colorado at Boulder are responsible for know ing and adhering to the academic integrity policy

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CU-Boulder MATH 2510 - Online Stats Syllabus

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