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Fall 2014 James A Murray Ph D Tentative Lecture Schedule Biol Sci 2010 Meiklejohn Hall Rm 2064 MWF 12 110p Human Physiology Anatomy I Office Hours MWF 930 1030a or by appointment Office Location South Science 303C knock loudly on South 303 door Office Phone 510 885 2367 Email james murray csueastbay edu best way to contact me Text Marieb Human Anatomy and Physiology 9th ed Pearson Course Websites Blackboard http bb csueastbay edu syllabus course announcements study advice class notes Textbook info http www pearsonhighered com product ISBN 0321696395 Mastering A P http www masteringaandp com a super study guide with online quizzes practice questions COURSEID is MAPMURRAY41892 Relevant Text Material Ch 1 and 2 should be review Date W SEP24 26 8 10 F M 29 W OCT1 F 3 M 6 W F M 13 W 15 F 17 M 20 W F 24 M 27 W 29 F 31 M NOV 3 W 5 22 Lecture Topic Introduction to the course Levels of organization Major organ systems Cells organelles a review Cells organelles a review Bone Bone Joints Structure Function Skeleton Axial Skeleton Appendicular Muscle Types and Leverage Midterm 1 through Joints Muscle Contraction Muscle Structure Muscle Control Muscle Metabolic types Heart Anatomy Heart Excitation Contraction Heart Regulation Feedback Homeostasis Circulation Vessels Circulation Exchange and control Respiration Anatomy Mechanics Ch 3 Ch 3 6 Ch 6 Ch 8 Ch 7 Ch 7 Ch 10 pp 320 328 Ch 1 3 6 7 8 Ch 9 Ch 9 Ch 9 Ch 9 Ch 18 Ch 18 Ch 18 19 Ch 19 Ch 19 through Part 2 Ch 22 Date F Lecture Topic Relevant Text Material 7 Midterm 2 muscle through cardiovascular Ch 9 10 18 19 M 10 Veteran s Day W 12 Respiration Gas exchange F 14 Respiration Control of depth and rate M 17 Nervous system Cells membrane potential W 19 Nervous system Action potential F 21 Nervous system Synapses M 24 Peripheral Nervous System Nerves Motor control W 26 Peripheral Nervous System Reflexes F 28 Thanksgiving Break M DEC 1 Autonomic Nervous System W 3 Autonomic Nervous System F 5 Autonomic Nervous System Ch 22 Ch 22 Ch 11 Ch 11 Ch 11 Ch 13 Ch 13 Ch 14 Ch 14 Ch 14 Wed Dec 11 12 00 1 50 PM Comprehensive Final Exam more on material since midterm 2 Human Physiology and Anatomy I 5 units An integrated approach to essential concepts of human physiology and anatomy Analysis of skeletal Course Information muscular sensorimotor cardiovascular and respiratory systems Recommended preparation high school biology and chemistry or BIOL 1001 or 1005 and BIOL 1002 CHEM 1100 or 1601 or 1605 Not open to students with credit for BIOL 2011 Not for Biology B S degree credit Four hrs lect 3 hrs lab Students that do not have the recommended preparation will be at a disadvantage as this background is assumed when teaching new information We do this to maximize the success of students in this and other courses If you think you have the equivalent background without having the courses on your transcript please contact your instructor with evidence transcripts syllabi Required Recommended 1 Marieb Human Anatomy and Physiology 9th ed Pearson e book only 44 2 Mastering A P MAP online quizzes reviews 66 purchase online if not part of bundle 3 iClicker any model should work can be shared as long as other student not in this class 5 The Physiology Coloring Book by Kapit Macey Neisami Harper Row Publ 1987 6 Essential Study Skills for Science Students Daniel D Chiras Brooks Cole Pub Co October 1999 ISBN 0534375952 It only costs 3 or 1 cent used and has a lot of excellent info on how to study effectively I highly highly recommend it Read it now Course Requirements There are 3 multiple choice exams 2 midterms plus a comprehensive final exam on or about the date specified in the lecture syllabus There will also be on line quizzes based on the reading so you need to keep on schedule Exam dates may need to be changed depending upon rate of progress through the lecture material If your average score on the midterms and quizzes is 90 or higher then you won t need to take the final exam and are exempt from that exam The comprehensive final will comprise about 20 of the course grade for those who take it The lab will make up the remainder of the course grade 25 A passing grade in lab is required to receive a passing grade in the course Midterms 1 and 2 15 15 Mastering A P MAP homework Class participation clickers tutors Online Quizzes MAP Final exam Lab grade Total 30 10 5 10 20 25 100 Office hours and study habits Please come visit during my office hours Feel free to stop by to chat or to clarify something from class or the reading materials Sometimes students do not seek help until after they have performed poorly on an exam so I encourage you to visit with me the tutors and your lab TAs early and often Please realize that we are here to help you not to trip you up with tough exams We all have the same goal for students to learn and master the concepts of human anatomy and physiology But it can be hard for us to help unless we know you need help To find out if you need help please ask questions in class by email or Blackboard Form study groups and study together regularly Read the text and take notes take online quizzes and do questions at the end of each chapter Educational research indicates that the most effective learning requires 2 3 h outside class studying for every 1 hour in class so that means 10 15 h per week outside class studying If you make these efforts you will greatly benefit It is important in your future professions to become active learners This means that you take responsibility for your own learning and actively seek out the knowledge you require Our class is large but please do not accept not understanding If you don t understand don t think that you are the only one who did not get it and be embarrassed to ask a question It is my pleasure and my paid responsibility to HELP you understand Class time is most productive and enjoyable when it is a two way communication between teachers and students About the exams homework Homework is assigned on MAP online It is your responsibility to check and meet all deadlines for the assigned work Late assignments may receive no points All lecture exams will stress the lecture material Readings are designed to expand and deepen understanding and it is unlikely that you will do well without reading the assigned text information You can read the text in detail after the lecture presentation on the topic however the most successful students will have read the text on the lecture topic before it is presented using the

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CU-Boulder EBIO 2010 - Syllabus

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