Mental health 4 ATI

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Individual Name CHANETTE JORDAN Individual Score 100 0 Individual Performance Profile N 126 Unit 4 Student Number 7246228 Institution Lincoln Memorial U Tampa ASN Program Type ADN Test Date 06 26 2022 Overall Performance Assessment Name Points Individual Score N 126 Unit 4 30 100 0 Individual Score Correct Report Created on 06 26 2022 12 13 PM EDT Page 1 of 6 REP CAA Indv Web 1 0 Individual Performance Profile N 126 Unit 4 Outcomes Acute Chronic No of Points Individual Score Description Acute 19 100 0 Chronic 6 100 0 Bloom s Taxonomy No of Points Individual Score Description A disease condition or injury characterized by a relatively sudden onset of symptoms that are usually severe An episode of acute disease results in recovery to a state comparable to the client s condition of health and activity before the disease progression into a chronic illness or death A disease or condition that persists for 6 months or more or in which a cure is not expected Chronic diseases generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication nor do they just disappear Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember Body Function Cognition and Sensation 2 4 5 1 3 1 100 0 Appraise information to make a judgment based on standards 100 0 Examine detailed information methodically to determine relationships 12 100 0 Use information in a variety of situations 100 0 Explain the meaning of information 100 0 Recall relevant information No of Points Individual Score Description 22 100 0 The anatomical structures brain central and peripheral nervous systems eyes and ears and body functions that support perception interpretation and response to internal and external stimuli Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination 100 0 The anatomical structures mouth esophagus stomach gall bladder liver small and large bowel rectum and anus and body functions that support ingestion digestion and absorption of food and elimination of solid wastes from the body Reproduction 100 0 The anatomical structures breasts ovaries fallopian tubes uterus vagina vulva testicles prostate scrotum and penis and body functions that support reproductive functions Report Created on 06 26 2022 12 13 PM EDT Page 2 of 6 REP CAA Indv Web 1 0 Individual Performance Profile N 126 Unit 4 BSN Essentials No of Points Individual Score Description Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice Basic Organization and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration Professionalism and Professional Values 2 100 0 2 4 1 1 1 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 The need for an education that exposes nurses to multiple fields of study providing the foundation for a global perspective of society as well as high level thinking and acquisition of skills that can be applied to complex patient and system based problems The need for nurses to be able to understand power relationships and use decision making and leadership skills to promote safe practice and quality improvement within health care systems The need for nurses to be able to understand the research process and base practice and clinical judgments upon fact based evidence to enhance patient outcomes The need for nurses to be able to use computer based information management systems and patient care technology in the provision of client care The need for nurses to be able to function as a member of the healthcare team while promoting an environment that supports interprofessional communication and collaboration with the goal of providing patient centered care The need for nurses to be able to practice nursing in a professional manner while providing patient centered care that is caring respects diversity and is governed by legal and ethical tenets Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice 16 100 0 The need for nurses to be able to practice as a generalist using clinical reasoning to provide care to patients across the lifespan and healthcare continuum and to individuals families groups communities and populations Clinical Areas No of Points Individual Score Description Fundamentals 1 100 0 Mental Health 27 100 0 Pharmacology 1 100 0 Ability to apply fundamental nursing principles and skills to basic needs of clients Topics include foundational client care concepts ie medical and surgical asepsis infection control physical assessment therapeutic communication medication administration pain management integral to the delivery of safe ethical and legal nursing practice Ability to apply nursing knowledge to the care of clients with mental health disorders Topics include foundational mental health concepts e g therapeutic communication therapeutic milieu legal ethical issues care of clients experiencing psychobiologic disorders or psychiatric emergencies and care of clients receiving traditional nonpharmacological and psychopharmacological therapies Ability to apply concepts related to the pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutics of commonly prescribed medications for clients with physical and mental health disorders Topics include principles of medication administration and dosage calculation side adverse effects drug food interactions contraindications and nursing implications integral to the safe administration of medications to clients across the lifespan Report Created on 06 26 2022 12 13 PM EDT Page 3 of 6 REP CAA Indv Web 1 0 Individual Performance Profile N 126 Unit 4 Dosage Calculation No of Points Individual Score Description 1 1 1 5 1 Oral Dosage 100 0 Correctly calculates oral medication dosages Intravenous Drip Rate 100 0 Correctly calculates IV drip rates NCLEX RN No of Points Individual Score Description RN Management of Care 1 100 0 The nurse coordinates supervises and or collaborates with members of the health care to provide an environment that is cost effective and safe for clients RN Psychosocial Integrity 22 100 0 The nurse directs nursing care to promote and support the emotional mental and social well being of clients and significant others RN Basic Care and Comfort RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies RN Physiological Adaptation 100 0 The nurse provides nursing care to promote comfort and assist client to perform activities of daily living 100 0 The nurse administers monitors and evaluates pharmacological and parenteral therapy 100 0 The nurse manages and provides nursing care for clients with an acute

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