BIO169 FJB04 Anatomy and Physiology II Department Division Sciences STEM Course Information Course Number Credits Pre requisites Co requisites BIO 169 4 credit hours None Laboratory Description This course provides a continuation of the comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body Topics include the endocrine cardiovascular lymphatic respiratory digestive urinary and reproductive systems as well as metabolism nutrition acid base balance and fluid and electrolyte balance Upon completion students should be able to demonstrate an in depth understanding of principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships Textbooks Lecture Text Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 11th ED Frederic H Martini Judi Nath and Edwin Batholomew 2018 Pearson Education Inc New York ISBN 9780134396026 Laboratory Manual REQUIRED Guilford Tech CC BIO 168 169 Print Lab Manual Custom Edition Pearson Learning Solutions Boston ISBN 978132397230 Supplies Dissection kit and Gloves available in the bookstore or through online merchant like Amazon Instructor Information Instructor s Name Dr Heather Cutler hecutler gtcc edu E Mail Announcements for lecture and lab are made via email Please check that your personal email also receives forwarded gtcc edu student email if you choose not to use the school email ALWAYS CHECK YOUR EMAIL Office Information Location Campus Address City State Zip Office Phone Office Hours HT 332 Jamestown 601 E Main Street P O Box 309 Jamestown NC 27282 336 334 4822 or 336 454 1126 ext 50686 Online appointments via email or Microsoft Teams similar to Zoom video Jan 11th Beginning Date Census Date Jan 20th Withdrawal Date April 5th For the link on the course Moodle page P a g e 1 Meeting Times Meeting Locations Number of Weeks Final Exam Date Lecture Online asynchronous see end of syllabus for schedule Lab Wednesday afternoon Group A attend 12 00 pm 1 15 pm Group B attend 1 30 pm 2 45 pm Lecture Online Lab Hassell Health Technologies Room 329 16 May 5th Census Date Policy If a student does not meet the Census Date criteria he she is reported as a No Show for the course For a face to face course or a hybrid course a student must attend one or more class sessions prior to or on the 10 point Jan 25th in the class which is noted in the Instructor Information section of the course syllabus Withdrawal Policy It is the student s responsibility to withdraw from a class by the course withdrawal date that is noted in the Instructor Information section of the course syllabus Failure to follow the withdrawal procedure will result in a grade of F for the course Students are encouraged to consult with their instructor before withdrawing from the course Student Learning Outcomes At the completion of the course the students should be able to do the following 1 Relate and apply the major gross anatomical components and features of articulations joints 2 Relate and apply the major gross and microscopic anatomical components and features of the 3 Relate and apply the major gross and microscopic anatomical components and features of the and ligaments to their functions endocrine system to their functions blood to their circulatory functions 4 Relate and apply the major gross and microscopic anatomical components and features of the digestive tract to their digestive functions 5 Relate and apply the major gross and microscopic anatomical components and features of the male and female reproductive systems to their reproductive functions 6 Relate chemical properties of water electrolytes acids bases and macromolecules to cellular metabolism Identify homeostatic mechanisms that apply to fluid and electrolyte shifts between intracellular and extracellular compartments 7 Analyze gross and microscopic anatomy of the cardiovascular system to explain hemodynamics and nutrient distribution 8 Correlate the electrical activity of the heart s conduction system with heartbeat 9 Evaluate the major gross anatomic and microscopic components of the respiratory system in relation to their functional roles in breathing gas exchange and transport P a g e 2 10 Apply dissociation characteristics of oxyhemoglobin to explain oxygen pick up in the lungs and 11 Relate the gross and microscopic anatomical components of the urinary system and explain delivery to tissues their functional roles 12 Dissect nephron structure and differentiate filtration reabsorption and secretions Grading Policy Grading Scale GRADE A B C D F REQUIREMENT 90 100 80 89 70 79 60 69 Below 60 IF THE COURSE TOTAL IS 0 50 OR HIGHER THE GRADE WILL BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT WHOLE NUMBER e g If the course total is 89 50 the grade will round up to a 90 If the grade is an 89 40 it will not be rounded up Four lecture exams Lecture quizzes Three lab practicals Laboratory Quizzes Final exam 40 10 each 10 1 each 12 quizzes total 2 lowest dropped 30 10 each 10 1 each 12 quizzes total 2 lowest dropped 10 Lecture average 60 Lab average 40 Evaluation of Performance The graded lecture components of the course are ten 10 lecture quizzes including a syllabus quiz the first week four 4 online lecture exams and a comprehensive final exam given in person during finals week LECTURE QUIZZES Lecture quizzes will be opened in Moodle starting each Monday lasting into that Saturday and will cover material from the previous week Each quiz is timed for 10 minutes Complete the syllabus quiz by the Friday of the first week of school Quizzes will be available from 1 00 PM on Mondays until 11 50 PM on Saturday on the specified dates At the end of the semester the lowest 2 lecture quizzes will be dropped P a g e 3 Quizzes will be timed and only one attempt will be allowed No makeup quizzes will be offered The laboratory component of the course will consist of three 3 practicals given in person and twelve 12 weekly online quizzes If a situation arises where a student will miss a practical the student is required to contact the instructor before the start of their scheduled lab meeting time to make arrangements to take it with another section If necessary a family member or friend can contact the instructor on your behalf These arrangements can only occur once Due to the nature of the practicals they have to be taken while they are still being utilized by sections and have not yet been taken down Lab quizzes will be taken online through Moodle and will cover material from the previous lab No makeup quizzes will be offered If a student does not complete a quiz it
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