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Leonel A Mezatio Class section FON 09 Completion code SMU REB 22 009 Research Assignment A hypothesis can be defined as a specific testable prediction about the theory This definition allows us to understand the Research Projet conduct by the Department of Psychology at Saint Mary s University based on hypothesis that Many people around the world had difficulties adjusting to the pandemic when it first began However to understand better this research we found in our study that the general topic for this study title Social and Emotional Experiences during COVID 19 is mostly apply to the chapter entitle Health and well Being because this pandemic has a powerful impact on our social life and behavior Social and Emotional experience during COVID 19 can have a positive or negative aspect people mental health based on the social behaviors such as cultural influences family relationships and social supports and the psychological factors behaviors health beliefs lifestyle stress This research will help researchers better understand how individuals are adapting to COVID 19 This understanding will be beneficial to the academic community as well as psychologists counsellors and instructors who work with adolescents and adults I learned more about the mental health in this research and it was completed with satisfaction because the ethical guidelines were put in place The authors assigning to me a study participants number which is SMU REB 22 009 by which I can be identified instead of my name in to protect my privacy and my identity Also responses will be collected and stored on a password protected encrypted website Qualtrics com which is hosted in Canada Qualtrics uses the same encryption type SSL that online banking sites use to transmit secure information The data will be immediately stored on Qualtrics secure server which does not share data with third parties A summary of the results will be posted on our research lab s website http dysclab wixsite com website by November 1 2022

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GTCC PSY 150 - Essay 2

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