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Intro to Psychology Study Guide for Test Chapters 3 4 1 The process of detecting a physical stimulus such as light sound heat or 2 How do sensory receptors convert physical energy into electrical impulses a Through Transduction 3 In perception of a figure bottom up processing emphasizes detecting 4 In perception of a figure top down processing emphasizes detecting features 5 True or false A negative mood can intensify an experience of pain 6 Your larges and heaviest sense organ 7 Each taste bud on your tongue had this many receptors 8 Human chemosignals found in sweat armpit hair blood and semen are called a Pheromones 9 The sense of taste is also known as 10 The decibel level of a shotgun is about pressure is a Sensation features a Part to whole a Whole to part a True a Skin a 50 a Gustation a 140 a Pinna a Inner ear a Threshold 11 The part of the ear that is visible on the outside of your head is called the 12 Hearing results when sound waves are converted to neural messages in the 13 The level at which a sensory receptor call can detect sensation is called the 14 In the human visual system the sensory receptor cells that respond to light 15 Our visual system interprets differences in the wavelengths of light as 16 Which helps us see color rods or cones 17 The longest wavelength in the visible spectrum are interpreted as what are a Rods and cones a Color a Cones color a Red 18 The absolute threshold of taste is a teaspoon of sugar in a Two gallons of water 19 Our sense of balance is regulated by sensory information located in the a Canals and vestibular sacs in the ear 20 Your immediate awareness of mental activity internal sensations and 21 Not noticing some significant object or event that is in clear field of vision is external stimuli is called a Consciousness called a Intentional blindness 22 True or false attention has limited capacity a True a False a False 23 If a person is good at multitasking they can direct all of their attention to several task at one time 24 Using a hands free device while driving improves safety true or false 25 The cycle or rhythm of your body that is approximately 24 hours long is called the a Circadian rhythm 26 An environmental cue that helps the regulate the clock is 27 Melatonin is produced in this gland a Sunlight a Pineal 28 The type of sleep associated with dreaming is called 29 The brain wave pattern associated with alert wakefulness is called 30 Grazing animals usually sleep about this long at one time 31 True or false New memories formed during the day are reactivated during a REM a Beta brainwaves a 4 hours 90 minute sleep cycles a True 32 Two broad categories of sleep disorders a Insomnia and narcolepsy 33 The sleep disorder in which people repeatedly stop breathing during sleep resulting in daytime grogginess poor concentration and memory learning problems a Obstructive sleep apnea 34 Excessive daytime sleepiness is called a Narcolepsy 35 Undesired arousal or actions during sleep a Neurotic wakefulness 36 Drugs that slow or inhibit brain activity 37 Drugs that distort sensory perceptions a Depressants a Psychedelics 38 Psychoactive drugs that can result in increasing amounts of the drug being needed to gain original effect This is known as a Drug tolerance 39 Addictive drugs that relieve pain and produce euphoria 40 The drug with the highest social cost of all addictions 41 At this blood alcohol level you have lowered alertness reduced inhibitions a Opioids a Heroine and impaired judgements a 05 42 Opiates occupy receptor sites in the brain where they mimic the effects of a Endorphins 43 What is the active ingredient in opium a Morphine 44 A synthetic opiate is a Heroine 45 The gradual decline in sensitivity to a constant stimulus 46 The relative highness or lowness of the sounds we hear a Sensory adaptation a Pitch

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