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Subject DELM213 LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE Course DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 21st Century Leadership and Organizational Theory and Practice This course deals on various leadership and organizational theories and practices It introduces the essential knowledge and skills necessary for educational leaders to lead the organization by providing theoretical and conceptual foundations for them to understand the organization and individual behaviors Generally it provides deeper analysis about organizations and organizational life from different perspectives It also aims at developing their ability to work with selected organizations and systems recognizing the unique characteristics capabilities and needs of modern organizations and the stakeholders they serve Having studied Leadership and Organizational Theory and Practice I believe I have grown in my leadership capabilities and hope to apply what I have learned to my future leadership journey in the Department of Education What I have learned Understanding Educational Leaders and the Organization Leadership Theories and Practices Organizational Theories Organizational Practices Studies on leadership and organizational practices Based on our discussions the term leadership can call to mind a range of different things depending on the types of leaders you have been exposed to in the past If you cast your mind back over your time at school as a student and your years of teaching you may be able to identify a range of school administrator leadership styles Some of these were more effective than others and there are likely to be some leadership models you hope to emulate and others you hope to avoid There is always something to be gained from the past but preparing students for the future requires forward thinking 21st Century leaders In this course we analyzed the 21st century leadership in school 21st Century school leaders enthusiastically face the challenging task of preparing young minds for the future and they think strategically about the goals and systems that will support this task Personal qualities like curiosity persistence resilience flexibility responsibility and hard work are as important as ever for leaders Whatever changes come these school principal leadership qualities are always the key to success Remember also that nobody is born with all the qualities of an effective school leader fully realized Part of being a leader is having the will to work on personal growth and improving yourself constantly Other qualities are increasingly important for leaders creativity entrepreneurship innovation constant learning and teamwork are all crucial for today s leaders Different leadership theories are argued in this piece of paper to elucidate the need of leadership and reflective practice for the educational leaders particularly in 21st century In 21st century finest leader and coaches are essential in management as well as for the swift intensification of the education sector Bolman and Deal 1991 developed four frames for leaderships First structural frames which focal point on importance of proper roles and relationships in organizational structure Second is human resource frame which imagine organizations as a fit of needs feelings and interests of human resources Third the political frames which is near to politico conflict approach where resource is always scarce and power center has access to scarce resources so organization moves in power balance Symbolic frame which is near to humanist theories which focuses on meaning belief and faith and organization as exceptional cultures which have practices heroes mythologies and ceremonies The essential segment of framework thinking is leader should know which frame is to apply in specific situations The concept of leadership has evolved as much as human development changes Currently leadership is characterized by key figures who implement teamwork principles and the incorporation of technology that allow us to efficiently analyze and synthesize the information we are receiving for decision making On the other hand we must understand that administration has to do with people not with indicators or projects these leaders must be able to motivate their team so they depend on listening to discover what people need or want Havinal 2009 attributes this role to the leader and his ability to show through communication influence and motivation skills The new leadership perspectives developed by Bass 1990 focus on transactional and transformational leadership The transactional approach refers to the daily operation in a medical specialties program it describes that the director of the program has adequate time to manage the program In the transformational the focus is beyond it focuses on team building and collaboration between different levels of an organization and other organizations to achieve change This second approach describes the generation of agreements between the hospital and the medical units and the receiving medical units of the residents As well as the constant renewal of these agreements With these knowledge that I have learned I hope I will become a Leader that is both successful and effective to have long term influence for leading others towards productivity and developing the organization as a whole

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