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Subject DELM 215 INSTRUCTIONAL MODELS FOR IMPROVING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Course DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Instructional Models for Improving 21st Century Learners This course deals on instructional models which are essential in improving the achievements of the students It gives emphasis in understanding the learners in the context of the 21st century Likewise principles of various instructional models are examined from concepts into practices Effective teaching strategies are also determined before and during the new normal Having studied Instructional Models for Improving Student Achievement I believe I have grown in my teaching capabilities equipped with up to date teaching pedagogies and hope to apply what I have learned to my future teaching journey in the Department of Education What I have learned Understanding the learners Instructional models Instructional models principles into practices Effective teaching strategies Improving student achievement in the new normal Based on our discussions this course explained that as an educational designer will lead to more successful teaching and proposes that this orientation supports optimal use of the models of teaching that are the focus of this course framed the challenges of 21st century teaching illustrates the influence of major trends on the profession and highlights unique characteristics of 21st century learners introduced teachers to the field of instructional design and demonstrates how systematic processes used by instructional designers can support more effective teaching presented the different types of tools available for 21st century teaching and promotes the development of specialized knowledge for their implementation described the three major types of assessment and their role in the assessment cycle These are critical for educational designers when deciding how to optimally use the instructional models It was discussed the foundational understanding that enables the us to understand the enduring value of the instructional models in the context of 21 st century teaching and recognize how they can be made even more powerful when used in concert with the assessment cycle differentiated instruction practices and technology tools It was also presented the 10 powerful proven models of teaching Direct Instruction Concept Attainment Concept Development Inductive Vocabulary Acquisition Inquiry Problem based Learning Cooperative Learning Integrative and Socratic Seminar The presentation of these models demonstrated that they can be transformed for new relevance in the digital era and used to address the challenges of 21st century teaching through a the increased use of technology during planning implementation b the integration of differentiated instruction principles and practices and assessment and c their purposeful application by educational designers who apply systematic thinking and processes to design instruction for their students The 10 models selected for inclusion in this course supported the development of skills and knowledge required for successful life work and learning in the 21st century including the 4Cs collaboration communication critical thinking and creative thinking They also address academic content across grade levels are suitable for use in each content area and can be used as specialized tools for addressing specific types of knowledge i e factual procedural conceptual and metacognitive The reporters of the course also provided us the history of the instructional model relevant research its steps and practical information supporting its best use Rich illustrations of the model in educational settings and detailed suggestions for differentiating the content of instruction instructional processes and evaluation of student learning are also integrated throughout The integration of technology as a tool to make the planning implementation and assessment that supports student learning more efficient effective and engaging is a major emphasis of each task The integration of technology tools is intended to be treated as a standard practice and not as an add on Embedded in this course is field tested lesson illustrating how differentiated practices and technology tools support all dimensions of the learning process This course provided us the insight to described the competencies that students should be equipped with to successfully participate in today s global economy

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Auburn DELM 215 - Instructional Models for Improving Student Achievment

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