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Subject DELM 313 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY SYSTEMS Course DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Design and Development of Alternative Delivery Systems The course focuses on the design and development of educational delivery systems appropriate in a technology enabled society Topics for discussion will include e learning distance education technology enabled educational platforms among others Having studied Design and Development of Alternative Delivery Systems I believe I have grown in my teaching capabilities in designing and developing alternative delivery systems and hope to apply what I have learned to my future teaching journey in the Department of Education What I have learned Introduction to design and development of alternative delivery systems Conduct of e learning distance education technology enabled educational platforms among others Alternative delivery systems in the basic education Alternative delivery systems in the higher education Critic the educational delivery systems in a context of globalization and 21st century education Based on our discussions Alternative delivery systems are management systems used in Inclusion classrooms that provide support for students and maximize learning while being presented with the core curriculum It is an approach that uses success oriented presentations and the elements of collaboration and school based coordination in its implementation The goal of alternative delivery systems is to develop many creative ways of working together for the benefit of all students SET UP A HOMEWORK SCHEDULE For some children the responsibility of deciding when to sit down and do homework may be too difficult Children may decide to do their homework after school or after dinner This is a personal choice and has to do with learning style However once the time is determined the schedule should be adhered to as closely as possible CHECK SMALL GROUPS OF PROBLEMS AT A TIME Many children can benefit from immediate gratification Have your child do five problems and then come to you to check them Additionally if the child is doing the assignment incorrectly the error can be detected and explained preventing your child from doing the entire assignment incorrectly DISCUSS HOMEWORK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOUR CHILD READS THE CHAPTER Discuss the questions to be answered before your child reads the chapter In this way he she will know what important information to look for while reading BE AWARE OF POSSIBLE SIGNS OF MORE SERIOUS LEARNING PROBLEMS Parents should always be aware of symptoms indicating the possibility of more serious learning problems Many of these symptoms may show up during homework If these symptoms present a pattern contact the psychologist or resource room teacher for further assistance Such symptoms may include constant avoidance of homework forgetting to bring home assignments taking hours to do homework procrastination of class work low frustration tolerance labored writing poor spelling etc CHECK HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS AT THE END OF THE NIGHT This will reduce the child s concerns over the thought of bringing incorrect homework to school This also offers children a feeling of accomplishment a source of positive attention and a sense of security that the work is completed Action plan to enhance the implementation of Alternative Learning System Teaching in the classroom is far more suitable for students and provides better opportunities for students overall educational development This specially applies to students in lower elementary education who need support of expert assistants in many aspects such as emotional and social development development of reading writing calculating organization of time and space For older students distance learning is more suitable and shows better results Distance education can be implemented for most subjects and study program without major difficulties and advantages of the distance education come to the fore Experience and research in the field of e learning in higher education are numerous and elaborated in scientific and professional papers Mainly face to face teaching in classes All students shall return to the schools and higher education institutions where they will spend most of their time The abovementioned model includes certain period of time during which distance learning model will be applied because it is suitable under normal conditions or necessary because the epidemiological situation has briefly deteriorated Distance learning model gives students opportunity to take quality approach in learning Combined teaching model Combined teaching model implies that students participate in teaching but from home using ICT In doing so they have access to digital materials and a virtual learning and teaching environment This allows for a flexible approach to deciding which classes or groups of students will reside in schools or higher education institutions Teaching will therefore be partly carried out in schools and partly at home through a virtual environment The priority is the optimal use of physical capacities in school taking into consideration all epidemic measures This means that not all students will be able to attend classes in school at the same time but prioritize which students should attend classes in school and for others ensure occasional teaching in the schools For example students up to 11 years old 1 4 grade elementary schools will attend classes in school and for others distance learning model will be applied Reasons for such implementation are both pedagogical and epidemiological It is possible to establish the weekly exchange of other students in schools as well in order to have one group of students who are attending classes in school and other group at home In this case there will be optimal use of school infrastructure in accordance with IATF framework and students will be able to attend classes whenever possible

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Auburn DELM 313 - Design and Development of Alternative Delivery Systems

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