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EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design Spring 2017 Dr Jenahvive Morgan jenahviv egr msu edu G79C WIL Sections 001 005 012 013 016 017 Fridays 10 20am 11 10am C102 WIL Sections 007 011 014 018 020 Fridays 11 30am 12 20pm C102 WIL G79 Wilson Hall Mo Th 5 7pm Fr 3 4pm G79 Wilson Hall W9 Wilson Hall Dr Morgan G79C Wilson Hall We 10 11 Fr 12 30 1 30 or by appointment www d2l msu edu Instructor Lectures Lab Sections Open Labs Office Hours Course Web Site Assignments No late work will be accepted without prior approval Re grades must be requested within 1 week of return or posting of grades of work No scores will be changed after the 1 week period Students are responsible for reviewing the Desire2Learn course management system for assignments due dates etc Teaching Assistants Sect 001 David Hernandez Sect 002 Sect 003 Camille McCall Sect 004 Roya Solhmirzaei Sect 005 Matt Hames Sect 007 Vidhya Ramalingam Sect 008 Ankit Agrawal Sect 009 Sect 010 Christopher Cugini Sect 011 Vidhya Ramalingam Sect 012 David Vogelsang Sect 013 Camille McCall Sect 014 Ankit Agrawal Sect 016 Tula Ngasala Piotr Szczepanski Sect 017 Sect 018 Roya Solhmirzaei Sect 019 Christopher Cugini Sect 020 Matt Hames herna437 msu edu ngasalat msu edu mccallca msu edu solhmirz msu edu hamesma1 msu edu ramalin7 msu edu agrawa36 msu edu szczep33 msu edu cuginich msu edu ramalin7 msu edu vogels11 msu edu mccallca msu edu agrawa36 msu edu ngasalat msu edu szczep33 msu edu solhmirz msu edu cuginich msu edu hamesma1 msu edu Piotr Szczepanski Tula Ngasala Thinking Like an Engineer Custom Edition for MSU Stephan et al Pearson 2016 Required Text Required Materials MyEngineeringLab Student Access Code Pearson Course Description The engineering design process as modeled by team based interdisciplinary design projects The roles of engineers and the contributions of engineering in society Project management design of products and processes to specified outcomes under specified constraints Introduction to computing tools and physical equipment in support of engineering design Engineering ethics Z87 approved hard plastic safety glasses with side shields As Assigned All assignments counted As Assigned All assignments counted Lab Homework Pre Lecture Quizzes Lecture Assignments Project 1 Project 2 Final Exam 20 10 10 Weekly in Lecture Lowest single score not counted 20 30 10 Due dates Grading 90 00 4 0 85 00 89 99 3 5 80 00 84 99 3 0 75 00 79 99 2 5 70 00 74 99 2 0 65 00 69 99 1 5 60 00 64 99 1 0 60 00 0 00 University regulations regarding academic dishonesty will be enforced without exception and Turnitin will be used for course submissions Professional conduct is required in this course Grades will be reduced if there is failure to follow proper safety procedures disruption of the class environment or for poor team performance Demonstration Week 06 Final Report Week 07 Demonstration Week 13 Final Report Week 15 Sections 001 005 012 013 016 017 Weds 5 3 10 00am 11 00am Sections 007 011 014 018 020 Thurs 5 4 10 00am 11 00am Please inform me of any verified accommodations needed All course materials and Communication announcements will be posted on the course website Students are expected to review these materials prior to attending each session Additional course information will be sent via MSU email Students are to ensure their UNIVERSITY ASSIGNED userid msu edu email is fully functional for this communication to be effective Course related email sent by students from other non MSU systems will not be read by the instructional staff EGR 100 Spring 2017

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MSU EGR 100 - EGR 100 Syllabus Spring 2017

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