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CHLH 210 Exam 1 Review Sheet For each lecture be familiar with Key terms discussed Lecture 1 History of Health Care in America The role of health insurance and why it was established Impact of industry on health care ex what industry first started providing care for employees Frequency of proposals for national health plans Important people discussed and what they did ex presidents and health care Typhoid Mary Margaret Sanger Time period of organized medicine starting Chapter 1 Health and Health Care in America An Introduction How health trends to know in US impacts community health organizations What are other impacts on Community health organizations The 2 main types of Health Models Chapter 10 The Public Health System The Government s Role Funding sources and problems for Public Health types of grants Role of government in Public Health ACA mandatory coverage constitutional ability to do this Future problems in public health slides Chapter 2 Business Side of Health Care Non for profit o Types of non for profits o Ownership of non for profit o 501 c 3 status requirements applications For profit o Ownership of for profit o How does it differ from non for profit Different types of businesses ownership sole proprietorship etc o Be able to provide an example of each Chapter 3 The Payment Process Insurance and Third Party Payers Payment processes prior to health insurance The role of health insurance and why it was established Risk Pooling Types of insurances discussed in class Indemnity HMO PPO Managed Care HSA CHIP Impact of industry on health care ex what industry first started providing care for employees How does having insurance or not having insurance impact health Chapter 4 The Payment Process The Government Payment Programs Problems for elders prior to Medicare Medicare impact on community organizations Know about the different parts of Medicare A B C D Eligibility criterion for Medicare Medicaid and CHIP programs Chapter 5 Health Care Providers Physicians Nurses Problems with retaining health care staff Primary Care Physicians and the factors impacting choosing to be a primary care physicians shortage of primary care physicians Chapter 6 Other Clinical and Non Clinical Health Care Providers Different types of health care professionals and their roles Organizations used to help meet the health care needs of lower income and or uninsured underinsured people Chapter 7 Offices Clinics Hospitals Different types of Non Hospital settings for patient care Mobile health clinics Characteristics of Pest and Almshouses How to look to work with international and national organizations Escape Fire Worksheet

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