Table of Acids w Kas and pKas

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Table of Acids with Ka and pKa Values Acid HA Ka pKa Acid Strength CLAS Conjugate Base Strength Strong acids completely dissociate in aq solution Ka 1 pKa 1 Conjugate bases of strong acids are ineffective bases HI HBr HClO4 HCl HClO3 H2SO4 HNO3 H3O HIO3 H2C2O4 H2SO3 HSO4 HClO2 H3PO4 H3AsO4 CH2ClCOOH H3C6H5O7 HF HNO2 HCOOH HCH3H5O3 H2C6H6O6 C6H5COOH HC2O4 HN3 H2C6H5O7 CH3COOH C5H4NH 2 HC6H5O7 H2CO3 HSO4 H2AsO4 H2S H2PO4 HClO HBrO HCN H3BO3 NH4 C6H5OH HCO3 HIO HAsO4 2 H2O2 A I Br ClO4 Cl ClO3 HSO4 NO3 H2O IO3 HC2O4 HSO3 2 SO4 ClO2 H2PO4 H2AsO4 CH2ClCOO H2C6H5O7 F NO2 HCOO CH3H5O3 HC6H6O6 C6H5COO C2O4 N3 2 HC6H5O7 CH3COO 2 C5H4N 3 C6H5O7 HCO3 2 SO4 HAsO4 HS 2 2 HPO4 ClO BrO CN H2BO3 NH3 C6H5O 2 CO3 IO 3 AsO4 HO2 CH3CH2COOH CH3CH2COO Hydroiodic Hydrobromic Perchloric Hydrochloric Chloric Sulfuric 1 Nitric Hydronium ion Iodic Oxalic 1 Sulfurous 1 Sulfuric 2 Chlorous Phosphoric 1 Arsenic 1 Chloroacetic Citric 1 Hydrofluoric Nitrous Formic Lactic Ascorbic 1 Benzoic Oxalic 2 Hydrazoic Citric 2 Acetic Propionic Pyridinium ion Citric 3 Carbonic 1 Sulfurous 2 Arsenic 2 Hydrosulfuric Phosphoric 2 Hypochlorous Hypobromous Hydrocyanic Boric 1 Ammonium ion Phenol Carbonic 2 Hypoiodous Arsenic 3 Hydrogen peroxide Ascorbic 2 Phosphoric 3 Water 1 1 6 x 10 1 5 9 x 10 2 1 54 x 10 2 1 2 x 10 2 1 1 x 10 2 7 52 x 10 3 5 0 x 10 3 1 4 x 10 3 8 4 x 10 4 7 2 x 10 4 4 0 x 10 4 1 77 x 10 4 1 38 x 10 4 7 9 x 10 5 6 46 x 10 5 6 4 x 10 5 1 9 x 10 5 1 8 x 10 5 1 76 x 10 5 1 34 x 10 5 5 6 x 10 6 4 0 x 10 6 4 3 x 10 7 1 02 x 10 7 8 9 3 x 10 8 1 0 x 10 7 9 1 x 10 8 6 23 x 10 8 3 5 3 0 x 10 8 2 x 10 9 6 17 x 10 10 5 8 x 10 10 5 6 x 10 10 1 6 x 10 10 4 8 x 10 11 2 x 10 11 6 0 x 10 10 3 0 x 10 12 2 4 x 10 12 1 6 x 10 12 4 8 2 2 x 10 13 1 0 x 10 14 0 0 0 80 1 23 1 81 1 92 1 96 2 12 2 30 2 85 3 08 3 14 3 39 3 75 3 86 4 10 4 19 4 19 4 72 4 74 4 75 4 87 5 25 5 40 6 37 6 91 7 10 7 03 7 7 04 7 21 7 46 7 53 8 70 9 21 9 23 9 25 9 80 10 32 10 70 9 22 11 53 11 62 11 80 12 32 12 66 14 0 C6H6O6 3 PO4 OH Group I metal hydroxides LiOH NaOH etc HC6H6O6 2 HPO4 H2O 2 Group II metal hydroxides Mg OH 2 Ba OH 2 etc Strong bases completely dissociate in aq solution Kb 1 pKb 1 Conjugate acids cations of strong bases are ineffective bases Compiled from Appendix 5 Chem 1A B C Lab Manual and Zumdahl 6th Ed The pKa values for organic acids can be found in Appendix II of Bruice 5th Ed Table of Acids with Ka and pKa Values CLAS Compiled from Appendix 5 Chem 1A B C Lab Manual and Zumdahl 6th Ed The pKa values for organic acids can be found in Appendix II of Bruice 5th Ed

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Table of Acids w Kas and pKas

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