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Mid term study guide February 28th Personality from 5 viewpoints knowledgeable of the basic principle Personality definition Psychological Core Typical responses Role related behavior o o o o o o o o Psychodynamic approach Trait approach Situational approach Interactional approach Phenomenological approach Motivation definition 5 guidelines for building motivation know examples of Consider both situations and traits in motivating people o o Understand there are multiple motives for involvement o o Motivation is influenced by behavior and actions o Utilizing behavior modifications Change environment Intrinsic motivation knowledge accomplishment stimulation Extrinsic motivation Amotivation Achievement motivation Competitiveness know the difference Arousal Anxiety Stress be able to distinguish the difference State and Trait behaviors know the difference 4 interrelated stages of stress o o o o Environmental Demand Perception of Demand Stress Response Behavioral Consequences The relationship between arousal and performance Inverted U hypothesis Wasted emotions that human beings express worry and guilt why Competition and Cooperation defined and distinguished Viewing competition as a process o Objective Competitive situation Subjective competitive situation o Competitiveness Win orientation Goal orientation Response Consequences o o Feedback and Reinforcement Positive and negative o Guidelines for using positive reinforcement know why Choose effective reinforcers Schedule the reinforcer effectively Reward appropriate behavior Provide performance feedback Using Punishments explained Support for punishment o Criticisms Making it effective The sandwich approach effective communication when teaching Group and Team dynamics Recognize the difference between groups and teams o o o o o o o o o 3 theories of group development Linear perspective Cyclical perspective Pendular perspective Group structures Effective team Climate Social o Proximity o o Distinctiveness Fairness o Similarity o Task interdependence o Ringelmann Effect Social loafing Team cohesion Model of cohesion Environmental factors Personal factors Leadership factors Team factors Building team cohesion o What coaches and leaders can do o What group members can do Forces acting on members of a group attractiveness and means control o Group Roles Formal vs informal know examples Clarity Acceptance Conflict o Group Norms Productivity Positive Modification

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UA ATR 257 - Mid-term study guide

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