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Physical Education in skillful activities and athletic events and may not be as crucial to improved health Physical Education is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote the optimum development of an individual physically mentally socially and emotionally through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities Andin 1988 PHYSICAL FITNESS refers to the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly with energy reserved for enjoying leisure time activities and meeting emergency demands WELLNESS is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS Physical fitness has two components general fitness a state of health and well being and specific fitness the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations HEALTH RELATED FITNESS is directly associated with good body fitness Health related fitness HRF is theoretically defined as a multidimensional construct containing the components of cardio respiratory endurance muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility and body composition SKILL RELATED FITNESS is directly associated with skill performance Skill related fitness consists of fitness components that are important to success A set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity United States Department of Health and Human Services PHYSICAL FITNESS is the ability of an individual to perform task successfully effectively and efficiently without undue fatigue but with extra reserved in case of emergency Health related involves the components of physical fitness that relate to good health Body Composition It pertains to the relative amounts of muscle fat bone and other vital parts of the body The ideal percentage for men is between 12 16 and for women 15 20 People with a high percentage of body fat are more likely to be ill resulting in a higher death rate among them Cardio vascular Fitness It relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to apply oxygen during sustained physical activity Flexibility It refers to the range of motion available at a joint Muscular Strength It refers to the ability of the muscle to exert force Muscular Endurance It relates to the muscle ability to continue to perform without fatigue Organic Vigor It refers to the soundness of the heart and lungs which contribute to the ability to resist disease Skill related Involves the components of physical fitness that relate to enhanced performance in sports and motor skills Agility It pertains to the ability to rapidly change the position of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy Balance It pertains to the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving Coordination It refers to the ability to use the senses like sight and hearing together with other parts in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately Power It refers to the rate at which one can perform work Power is considered to be a combination of strength and speed Speed It refers to the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time Reaction Time It refers to the time elapsed between stimulation and beginning of the reaction to it CARDIO VASCULAR FITNESS BENEFITS OF CARDIO EXERCISE Multifidus Weight loss Stronger heart Obliques Rectus abdominis Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol Erector spinae Increased bone density Diaphragm Cardiovascular Endurance is a health related component of physical fitness that relates to ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to apply oxygen during sustained physical activity This fitness term refers to how efficiently your heart cardio and lungs respiratory work together to supply your body with oxygenated blood over an extended period The better your cardio respiratory endurance is the longer you can exercise without resting at a level that increases your heart and breathing rates Cardiovascular Fitness also refers to cardio vascular endurance aerobic fitness and cardio respiratory fitness Commonly administered field tests include the mile run the 12 minute run the 1 mile walk and treadmill test Circuit Training allows you to work on both cardio and strength training simultaneously which is the perfect combo to torch body fat and build muscle at the same time Cardio exercise is any exercise that raises your heart rate Your heart is a muscle Therefore working it makes it stronger A stronger cardiovascular system means more capillaries delivering more oxygen to cells in your muscles This enables your cells to burn more fat during both exercise and inactivity Reduces stress and depression Better sleep More energy Maintain muscle strength into old age Reduces the risk of heart disease Strengthen lungs Live longer Less likely to get sick CIRCUIT TRAINING A typical circuit training workout includes about 8 10 exercise stations After completing a station instead of resting you move quickly to the next station Circuit Training Core Exercise Major muscles includes Pelvic floor muscles Transverses abdominis Minor core muscles includes Latissimus dorsi Gluteus maximus Trapezius Core Exercise are exercises that focus on either the stabilization endurance or strengthening of the core muscles Core exercises focus on the abdomen the lower abdomen and hips the oblique s stabilizing muscles the spine and the back muscles as well as the butt Core exercises train these muscles to work together properly to maintain proper balance agility posture and movement to help the body move efficiently as well as preventing injury

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IET Lucknow PE 12 - PE Reviewer

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