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Major Development Programs and Personalities in S T in the Philippines Grants In Aid Program Balik Scientist Program The government funds scientific and technological undertakings to promote development in the country It also promotes technology transfer innovation human resources development and productivity improvement Forest Products Research and Development Institute This institute conducts researches on wood products rubber paper pulp and other forest products Philippine Nuclear Research Institute This institute conducts researches on the safe use of nuclear energy for medical agricultural environmental and industrial purposes Project NOAH Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards is government funded project that is currently administered by the University of the Philippines PCARI Project ThePhilippine California Advanced Research Institutes PCARI Project aims to develop our Science and Technology manpower through scholarships trainings and research collaborations with top universities and institutions in California USA The program aims to encourage Filipino Scientists or Scientists of Filipino descent to return to the Philippines and conduct research or scientific undertakings As of December 2017 there were 497 scientists who served under the program Republic Act No 11035 or the Balik Scientist Act was signed into law in 2018 The law will provide incentives amd assistance to returning Filipino experts scientists inventors and engineers The program is important in maintaining a critical number of Filipino experts scientists inventors and engineers that will serve the country According to UNESCO a country should have 380 scientists researchers per million population However in the Philippines there are only 189 researchers scientists per million which means that there is a gap of around 19 000 researchers or scientists One of those Balik Scientists is Dr Josefino C Comiso a Senior Scientist in USA s National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA As a Balik Scientists his goal is to Improve ability of the country to utilize advance technology in addressing problems on natural resource management especially as related to climate and environmental changes Order of National Scientists The Presidential Decree PD Np 1003 A s 1976 established the National Academy of Science and Technology to become the highest recognition and advisory body on science and technology Part of this decree is the establishment of the Order of National Scientists

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IET Lucknow STS 12 - Major Development Programs and Personalities - Notes STS

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