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ITWRBS 2 Hindu Races India Land of Mystery second largest religion in the world Aryans Nothern People Dravidians Southern People Two Sacred Texts Shiva destroyer Five Caste Systems Brahmins priests and teachers Kshatriyas warriors and rulers Vaishyas farmers traders and merchants Shudras labourers Dalits outcasters street sweepers latrine cleaners 1 Shruti what is heard text containing revealed knowledge The Four Yogas 2 Smriti what is remembered containing remembered knowledge Yoga means union with the divine or union with brahman What is Shruti The Vedas writings about attainment of wisdom of the true nature of reality Karma Yoga path of action Bhakti Yogo path of devotion Jnana Yoga path of knowledge Raja Yoga path of meditation 1 Rig Veda hymn knowledge Demoninations of Buddhism 2 Yayur Veda wisdom and sacrifice 3 Sama Veda chant knowledge 4 Atharva Veda Aryan priest wisdom What is Smriti Secondary source that contain truths that may change over time 1 Itihasas Ramayana and mahabrata 2 Puranas discussion of heavenly bodies 3 Dharma Shastra book of laws 4 Later Sutras poetic stories The Three Major Gods of Hinduism Hindu Religion Brahma creator Vishnu preserver 1 Theravada 2 Mahayana 3 Vajrayana 4 Tibetan 5 Chan 6 Zen 7 Tendai 8 Nicheren Siddhartha Gautama Buddha Also known as Buddha or the enlightened awakened one In Tradition Buddha as a Teacher In Religion Buddha as a God Buddhist Sacred Texts Tripitaka Three Baskets 1 VinayaPitaka Discipline Basket living in monastic life morality 2 SuttaPitaka Saying Basket theological sermons of Buddha 3 AbhidhammaPitaka Special Teachings life and works of Buddha The Four Noble Truths It is freedom and liberation from craving and suffering China s Classics Confucian Philosophy Chinese Empire s Dynasties The Eightfold Path emotional 1 Suffering Exists suffering can be physical and mental Physical suffering includes physical pain brought about the old age sickness and death 2 Suffering arises from craving desire creates emptiness within oneself in that in desiring for something one creates a lack that one needs to fill up 3 Eliminating craving eliminates suffering the termination of suffering requires termination of craving 4 The way to eliminate craving and consequently suffering is by the following eightfold path 1 Right Understanding the true nature of things and knowledge 2 Right Thought thoughts and motives that are pure and not selfish 3 Right Speech speaking honestly and kindly 4 Right Action doing actions that do not hurt people and animals 5 Right work livelihood pursuing a 6 Right Effort improving oneself while means of livelihood avoiding extremes 7 Right Contemplation cultivating mental states that bring inner peace 8 Right Meditation focusing ones energies on the right and positive things Xia 2070 BCE Shang 1600 1046 BCE Zhou 1046 256 BCE Han 206 BCE 8 CE Sui 581 618 CE Tang 618 907 Yuan 1271 1568 Ming 1568 1644 Qing 1641 1911 China The Awakening Dragon Confucianism originally used by the Jesuits to refer to the Ru Tradition this generally meant the tradition of the scholars Chou Dynasty The Age of Philosophy Kung Fu Tzu Confucius recognized founder of Confucianism and widely accepted as a religion Ethical Context and philosophy Practical Wisdom The Five Confucian Classics 1 Book of History historical documents 2 Books of Poetry collections of poems 3 Book of Changes astrology 4 Book of Rites rules and court 5 Spring and Autumn Annals records of ceremonies state of Lu The Four Books of Confucius 1 The Analects speeches of Confucius 2 Great Learning education morality Nirvana Everlasting Happiness and politics 3 Doctrine of the Mean relations between temporal and spiritual 4 Mencius the second Confucian thinker Doctrines and Beliefs The Golden Rule Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you Tian Belief The idea of heaven and moral order for the family the state and the world Rectification of Names the people and order of the society 1 The Ruler subject 2 Father son 3 Elder younger 4 Husband wife 5 Friends upright sense The Confucian Virtues relations 1 Ren or Benevolence humaneness it is discipline following social hierarchy showing family compassion to others Li Discipline includes proper ways of dressing and behaving speaking others in given social situations and 2 3 Shu Reciprocity do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire This is the ability to feel what the right thing to do is 4 Xiao Filial Piety doing things that show love respect and devotion to the members of one s family It also includes the celebration of ancestral rites offerings and prayers 5 Xin Fidelity by keeping one s word and being faithful for nation building Chou Dynasty Daoism Daoism Taoism is another world religion that is native in china Founder Lao Tzu Old Master Book Dao de Jing Book of the Way Daoism means the way or can be spoken of to achieve long life and immortality Daoism does not have a god Universe and the Dao Superstitious Beliefs The Beliefs and Views of Daoism Dao the way of nature Humility avoiding competition with others Tai Chi a popular Chinese form of exercise and martial arts or self discipline Feng Sui is generally a system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment Alchemy it also referred to creating potions that could cure disease or confer supernatural powers The Way and Harmony 1 The De refers to the power to bring the Dao into realization and sense of moral character and the power to act 2 Wu Wei if we are just going with flow of nature our actions are effortless Just follow the natural course of things to survive 3 The three Jewels Buddhism Daoism Simplicity in action Patience with friends and enemies Compassionate Reconcile all beings in the world 4 Qi the natural energy of the body and life reproductive energy life force energy and spiritual energy

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