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DNA Molecule that serves as the blueprint of life Earth and Life Science Development arrangement of complexity of structure and functions in living systems Evolution relative change in size and maturation of structural and functional being of an organism Cloning process of producing an organism of the same type Mutation evolutionary modifications of an organism Cell fundamental unit of life Energy capability of a living system to do work Organelles specialized structure within a living cell Endomembrane system group of membrane and organelles that work together to modify package and transport lipids and proteins Endosymbiont Theory theory of the origin of the eukaryotic cells Fluid mosaic model explains various observations regarding the structure of functional cell membranes Semi permeable allowing certain substances to pass through it but not others Biology study of life came from 2 greek words a Bios life b Logos study of Major division of biology a Zoology study of animals b Botany study of plants c Microbiology study of microorganisms Cytology study of cells Ecology relationship of organisms with their environment Taxonomy names and classifications of organisms Anatomy structures and parts of organisms Physiology functions and parts of organisms Embryology formation and development of organisms Biochemistry biochemical composition of organism Genetics heredity and variation Evolution origin and differentiation of organisms Virology study of viruses Mycology study of fungi Ornithology study of birds Herpetology study of reptiles Mammalogy study of mammals Pathology study of diseases Entomology study of insects Parasitology study of parasites Epidemiology study of spread of disease Molecular biology molecular analysis of living organisms Genomics focuses on the genome of an organism Proteomics focuses on the proteins of an organism Immunology Endocrinology focuses on the study of immune system Bioinformatics biological data using computer programs Biotechnology focuses on the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products Importance of biology 1 Societal public health medicines environment crisis 2 Philosophical evolution genetics 3 Personal to be informed Divine creation life on earth was put by divine forces Spontaneous generation Abiogenesis Living things arise from non living matter Disapproving Spontaneous generation Approving Spontaneous generation Francesco Redi 1668 experiment with flies and wide mouth jars containing meat John Needham 745 showed that microorganisms flourished in various soups that has been exposed to air Lazaro Spallanzani 1765 experiment with microbes and wide mouth jars containing broth Characteristic of life 1 All living things are made up of cells Unicellular organisms made up of single cells Multicellular organisms made up of many cells 2 All living things can reproduce Asexual reproduction single parent Sexual Reproduction two parent involves male and female sex cells 3 All living things obtain and use energy Metabolism Anabolism Catabolism Anabolism building up Catabolism breaking down 4 All living things contain homeostasis 5 Organisms pass along heredity traits Homeostasis process of keeping the internal environment stable balance constant Heredity reason why children resemble their parents Mutations change DNA code and can be passed from generations to generation 6 Organisms grow and develop Growth grow bigger in size Development change physical or psychological 7 All living things respond to their environment Internal stimuli signal comes from inside the organism External stimuli signal comes from outside the organism Organism react to stimuli Light Temperature Odor Sound Gravity Heat Water Pressure 8 All living things adapt to their environment Adaptation process that enables organism to become better suited to their environment Autotrophs organisms that make their own food Heterotrophs organisms that cannot make their own food Adenosine Triphosphate ATP store smaller amounts of energy Adenosine Diphosphate ADP receives the energy released by the ATP ATP Water ADP Inorganic phosphate Energy Chlorophyll green pigments that absorb all wavelengths of light Phycobilins pigment found in red algae Chloroplast cell organelles found in plants Granum light reaction occurs Thylakoids each granum is made up of sac like membranes Photosystems groups of molecules that are involved in photosynthesis Stroma space found outside the thylakoids Photosynthesis formula 6CO2 12H2O LIGHT C6H12O6 6H2O 6O2 Carbon dioxide water Light glucose water oxygen 2 types of photosynthesis a Light dependent reactions b Light independent reactions a Carbon fixation Calvin Cycle b Reduction reaction c Regeneration of RuBP Cellular Respiration cells release the stored energy in glucose to make ATP Stages of Cellular Respiration 1 Glycolysis 2 The Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain ETC

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IET Lucknow ELS 12 - Earth and Life Science - Reviewer

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