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This study source was downloaded by 100000847952598 from CourseHero com on 06 13 2022 04 35 33 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 12602828 BIOS252 W2 Lab Instructions O Week 2 Lab Instructions Online Muscle Physiology Online and for Campuses without Physical Lab FacilitiesReferences 1 Tortora and Derrickson Introduction to the Human Body 9th ed Wiley 2012 2 Allen Harper Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology 5th ed Wiley 2014 Part AStep 1 Lab Manual Exercise 13 Contraction of Skeletal MuscleFrom Allen and Harper Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology 5th Edition2 0 Read background pages 185 192 2 1 Use the same folder on your Desktop titled lastname Lab2 and create a word document file named lastName Lab2 labex132 2 Answer all questions from eBook Laboratory Manual Reviewing Your Knowledge pages 193 194 2 2 Answer all questions from eBook Laboratory Manual Using Your Knowledge page 195 2 3 Double check your answers and save the file Part B Step 1 Complete PowerPhys Experiment 3 Recruitment and Isotonic and Isometric ContractionsFrom PowerPhysiology 3rd Edition3 0 Open PowerPhys package to 3 Recruitment and Isotonic and Isometric Contractions 3 1 Complete all preliminary reading from the Objectives and Review3 2 Complete the Pre Lab Quiz3 3 Complete the Pre Lab Reporting and setting up of experimental hypotheses 3 4 Complete the Data Collection3 5 Complete the Data Analysis3 6 Complete all of the fields in the laboratory report Save the file in your same Desktop file titled lastname iLab2 folder Be sure to complete all the short answer and essay questions focused on the discussion and Application sections BIOS252Week 2 Lab Instructions O Page 1 of 2ActivityDeliverablePointsPart ALab Manual Exercises 13 Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 2 hour 20Part BPowerPhys 3 Recruitment and Isotonic and Isometric Contractions 2 hours 20All Lab DeliverablesComplete Parts A and B40 This study source was downloaded by 100000847952598 from CourseHero com on 06 13 2022 04 35 33 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 12602828 BIOS252 W2 Lab Instructions O Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org 3 7 Double check your answers and save to the weekly laboratory folder to be returned to your instructor Submit Parts A B DeliverablesA Allen Harper Lab Worksheets Exercise 13 Reviewing Your Knowledge and Using Your Knowledge 20points B PowerPhys 3 Recruitment and Isotonic and Isometric Contractions 20 points Submit your lab to the Dropbox located at the top of this page See the Syllabus section Due Dates for Assignments Exams for due date information BIOS252Week 2 Lab Instructions O Page 2 of 2

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