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Fall 2020 Calculus I Section 005C MATH 171 Place https uwosh instructure com courses 346846 Time Online using Canvas Collaborate Ultra WebAssign Professor Dr Khaled Hussein E mail Office Hours All office hours will be held virtually on Collaborate Ultra using the below Office Phone 920 929 1180 husseink uwosh edu link https uwosh instructure com courses 346846 external tools 10684 Required Course Materials Textbook Calculus Early Transcendentals 8th Edition A paper text book may be purchased but not required An activation code is required for webAssign Once you have a acquired the WebAssign access code go to www webassign com and when prompted enter the following class key listed below to enroll in the class uwc fdl 9837 4825 Due to COVID 19 all exams will be given online in WebAssign To deter academic dishonesty Lockdown Browser and Proctorio Monitor will be used during all exams Prerequisites Mathematics 108 or 104 and 106 with grade s of C or better or a satisfactory score on a placement examination Course Description Calculus I is based on the study of real valued functions of a single variable The course topics include derivatives antiderivatives and if time permits definite integrals Applications of differentiation such as related rates optimization and curve sketching are also covered Learning Objectives The content goal of this course is that students should learn the skills and techniques of calculus in regard to the following topics limits and continuity the definition of the derivative derivative shortcuts applications of the derivative theorems and antiderivatives In a first semester calculus course students should broadly gain significant experience with Functions as models of physical behavior graphically algebraically and numerically Precise definitions Some proofs Lots of applications to physics economics the sciences etc Visualizing data and functions graphically Numerical approximation to curve fitting data analysis derivative etc 1 The algebra of calculus i e manipulations Topic Covered Chap 2 Sections 1 8 Chap 3 Sections 1 11 Chap 4 Sections 1 9 Chap 5 Sections 1 5 Chap 6 Sections 1 5 Exams Quizzes Three hourly examinations and a comprehensive final Exams will be taken using a lockdown browser through WebAssign Webcam is required for proctoring purposes Usually given once or twice a week They come from previous days lecture and homework questions I will throw out the bottom 10 of the scores when determining your final grade Quizzes cannot be made up Homework The only way to learn mathematics is to work problems So with this in mind assignments will be given daily and will be done on WebAssign Grading Your grade will be determined according to the following A 90 100 A 88 90 B 80 86 B 78 80 B 86 88 C 76 78 C 70 76 C 68 70 D 61 64 D 58 61 D 64 68 F 0 58 Homework Quizzes Exams Final Exam 10 15 45 30 How can I be successful Whether you are new to the Online courses or have taken some in the past your best course of action as early as the course is available is to really explore the course s whole Canvas site Knowing where things are and what is expected of you will be vitally important to your success Success in online courses requires discipline and commitment You must find out what you need to be doing each day of each week I encourage you to pay careful attention to the instructions and details required for the course as a way to ensure your success This also means being as proactive as possible in anticipating due dates further in advance so that any of life s surprises won t undermine your efforts to stay on task Solution Center The Solution Center office is the entry point for students new and returning to the Fond du Lac campus https uwosh edu fdl apply pay register solutions center 2 Tutoring Services For both the Fox Cities and Fond du lac campuses all students are welcome to sign up for tutoring services online Math and writing tutoring is available as well as tutoring in specific disciplines For both tutoring in math and writing drop in online tutoring is available For specific disciplines tutoring is available by appointment Academic Integrity Academic Integrity is an expectation of each college student Our campus community members are responsible for fostering and upholding an environment in which student learning is fair just and honest Through your studies as a UW Oshkosh student it is essential to exhibit the highest level of personal honesty and respect for the intellectual property of others Academic misconduct is unacceptable It compromises and disrespects the integrity of our university and those who study here To maintain academic integrity a student must only claim work which is the authentic work solely of their own providing correct citations and credit to others as needed Cheating fabrication plagiarism unauthorized collaboration and or helping others commit these acts are examples of academic misconduct which can result in disciplinary action Failure to understand what constitutes academic misconduct does not exempt responsibility from engaging in it For more information please read https www uwosh edu deanofstudents university policies procedures academic misconduct Disclosure Statement Students are advised to see the following URL for disclosures about essential consumer protection items required by the Student Right to Know Act of 1990 https uwosh edu financialaid consumer information 3

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UWOSH MATH 171 - Syllabus

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