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Senior Lecturer Heather Benson Text call 920 277 7196 Email bensonh uwosh edu Office 1315 by appointment only due COVID 19 Online Office Hours Th 8 30am 9 30am and other times by appointment We can use our course Collaborate Ultra classroom and close the door during office hours Alert me by text phone call or email if you would like to meet in the Canvas Collaborate space during an office hour or any other time by appointment Writing 188 Spring 2021 UW Oshkosh Fox Cites home campus WRT 188 042C fully online with a T TH 11 59PM course schedule The mission of First Year College Writing is to equip students with critical writing reading and thinking skills as a foundation for their liberal education and their meaningful participation in academic and public communities We aim to achieve this mission through Written Communication Students will learn strategies for effectively transmitting their ideas through the written word They will learn to organize and connect their ideas clearly in writing They will build their awareness of conventions of genre style mechanics and grammar remaining conscious of how these conventions may vary depending on context Writing Process Strategies Students will receive guidance throughout their writing process They will practice generating productive research questions and effective thesis statements As they compose revise and edit their drafts they will engage in critical reflections on their work and their own writing process Critical Thinking Students will build strategies for understanding and interpreting written texts as well as for critically evaluating these texts clarity form reliability and rhetorical effectiveness In the process they will build awareness of how audience genre content and purpose affect writing decisions They will apply critical analysis to class readings and to their own and their peers in progress writing Collaborative Work Students will engage in productive discussions and collaborative activities that allow them to practice critical thinking and problem solving Students may collaborate on a variety of tasks such as discussions of class readings or potential paper topics activities for learning documentation and writing skills or reviews of one another s paper plans or drafts Source Use and Information Literacy Students will develop skills in retrieving evaluating and utilizing sources appropriately and ethically in college level writing They will practice incorporating effective and correctly documented summary paraphrase and quotation into their writing They will build their ability to synthesize multiple viewpoints and enhance their understanding of how writers use citation practices to engage in academic conversation Amount of Writing in First Year Writing Courses Students in each section must compose a minimum of 5000 words per semester approximately 20 typed double spaced pages Of this total word count at least 3000 words approximately 12 double spaced pages must be submitted to the instructor for response and grading At least two assignments must be sustained analyses of 750 words or greater approximately 3 double spaced pages each A researched essay of 5 pages or more in length is highly recommended Learning Outcomes 1 Rhetorical knowledge Make appropriate and effective rhetorical choices for producing academic source based texts with varying purposes and audiences 2 Critical Reading Evaluate synthesize and analyze arguments in research based scholarly texts 3 Academic Writing Write cohesive academic texts for a variety of rhetorical purposes that support complex arguments with research 4 Research Skills Independently locate and analyze scholarly source based texts appropriate for specific writing tasks and rhetorical purposes 5 Processes Independently apply effective strategies in the writing and research processes including invention drafting peer review revision and editing 6 Composing in Electronic Environments Choose appropriate reading writing and research tools to meet the demands of writing tasks including using scholarly databases 7 Knowledge of Conventions Make appropriate and effective choices about academic writing conventions based on the audience and purpose of the assignment including using a formal documentation style to attribute and cite sources Required Texts Materials Graff Gerald and Cathy Birkenstein They Say I Say The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing 4th ed Parfitt Matthew and Dawn Skorczewski Pursuing Happiness A Bedford Spotlight Reader Bedford St Martin s 2016 A dictionary you will use online dictionaries and dictionary applications count A digital or physical folder for the portfolio project and for organizing graded word reference materials drafts and research Recommended Purdue Online Writing Lab handbook resource for MLA citations and general writing instruction Use of any number of MLA reference handbooks available in the campus library reference section and in the campus writing center the Writing Pad Grades Formal Writing Assessments 70 of the Final Grade Revised Assessment 1 Summary and Response Argument of Definition 10 Assessment 2 Research Project Proposal Pass Fail 5 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography Pass Fail 5 Assessment 4 Research Review synthesis 15 Assessment 5 Research Based Argument 25 Final Portfolio Revised Assessments 1 5 and Cover Letter Mandatory Final Exam 10 Coursework 30 of the Final Grade Attendance class activities Conferences Peer Reviews and Assignments and Activities Grading Scale Default Grading Scheme Current grading scheme for this assignment Name A A B B B C C C D D 100 94 0 90 0 87 0 84 0 80 0 77 0 74 0 70 0 67 0 Range Range Current grading scheme for this assignment Name D F 64 0 61 0 A grade of 72 5 or higher is necessary to pass the class Other Business Academic Integrity All suspected incidents of academic misconduct shall be handled according to the guidelines for the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Fox Cities a full copy of which you may find in the library or online Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism using text from any source as if it were your own cheating on exams submitting another s work as your own offering your work for another to submit as his or her own tampering with another student s computer program etc UW System rules pertaining to student academic disciplinary procedures are found in Chapter UWS 14 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code As a guide to the process Chapter UWS 14 lists acts of academic misconduct subject to

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UWOSH WRT 188 - Syllabus

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