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Question 1 Exam 1 Which of the following is a characteristic of steroid hormones Which of the following is not a characteristic of steroid hormones Selected Answer d Signals through direct gene activation Question 2 Selected Answer d Signals through a second messenger Question 3 The lag in oxygen consumption at the beginning of exercise is called Selected Answer b EPO C Question 4 Which of the following is not a characteristic of nonsteroid hormones Selected Answer c Signals through direct gene activation Question 5 Which of the following is a characteristic of anaerobic exercise What is the rate limiting enzyme for the Krebs Cycle TCA Cycle Selected Answer a Non oxidative Question 6 Selected Answer d Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Question 7 Which of the following can we measure using only gas exchange 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points Which of the following is a characteristic of nonsteroid hormones Selected Answer e Aerobic Fitness Level Question 8 Selected Answer c Signals through a second messenger Question 9 Selected Answer b Shot Put Question 10 An RER of 0 95 indicates Selected Answer c a high rate of carbohydrate metabolism Question 11 Which of the following activities exercises would be fueled primarily by the ATP PC system Which of the following most correctly describes the structure of AMP Selected Answer a One phospoate groups attached to an adenosine backbone Question 12 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of anaerobic exercise Selected Answer a Oxidati ve Question 13 Selected Answer c Growth Hormone Which of the following hormones is not involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points Question 14 An RER of 0 85 indicates Selected Answer a an equal rate of fat metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism Question 15 Which hormone is secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas Selected Answer a Glucag on Question 16 In an elite athlete the energy to play a game of basketball comes from Selected Answer c A combination of aerobic anaerobic metabolism with most of the ATP coming from oxidative phosporylation Which of the following is the correct tally of products produced by Beta oxidation of a 16 carbon fatty acid Question 17 Selected Answer c 2 ATP 7 NADH 7 FADH2 Question 18 Which of the following statements about Aldosterone is incorrect Selected Answer d Released by the kidneys in response to a drop in blood pressure Question 19 Which of the following statement s is true about blood lactate Selected Answer d Can be converted to glucose in the liver Question 20 Lactic Acid is produced during exercise when Selected Answer d Anaerobic Pyruvic acid is no longer being used as a substrate for Beta Oxidation 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points Which of the following statements concerning the electron transport chain ETC is are true Selected Answer e The flow of H ions from the inter membrane space back into the mitochondrial matrix provides free energy for the reformation of ATP RER stands for and is used to determine Selected Answer c Respiratory Exchange Ratio Substrate utilization during exercise Question 21 Question 22 Question 23 Which enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in glycolysis and is also known as the glucose trap Selected Answer d Hexokina se Question 24 Selected Answer d 0 7 1 Question 25 If a well trained athlete were exercising at 80 85 of max effort what would you expect their Respiratory Exchange Ration RER to be In an average person the energy to perform a Wingate Test 30 second maximum intensity cycling come from Selected Answer b A combination of ATP PC and Anaerobic glycolysis with the majority of ATP coming from Anaerobic Glycolysis Which of the following statements about Cortisol is incorrect Selected Answer b Increases fat metabolism by increasing blood free fatty acids Question 26 Question 27 Which of the following is NOT a possible explanation for EPOC 0 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points Selected Answer d Decrease in Catecholamines Question 28 The mobilization of free fatty acids from adipose tissue and glucose from liver glycogen would be stimulated by Selected Answer c A decrease in insulin and an increase in glucagon Question 29 Which of the following would be the most accurate measure of metabolic production of ATP Selected Answer d Metabolic heat production Question 30 Which of the following statements is correct Selected Answer c Some of these Question 31 It is possible to measure energy expenditure and ATP production via both Direct and Indirect Calorimetry List an advantage and a disadvantage for each Direct Calorimetry and Indirect Calorimetry Yes it is possible measure energy expenditure using both indirect and direct Calorimetry None Given Question 32 What do we call the exercise intensity at which an individual shifts from using primarily fat metabolism to using primarily carbohydrate metabolism When an individual shifts from using primarily fat metabolism to using primarily carbohydrate metabolism is Respiratory exchange ratio None Given Selected Answer Response Feedback Selected Answer Response Feedback List the 3 main areas that the endocrine system affects during exercise Question 33 Selected Answer Response Feedback Maintains homeostasis None Given Question 34 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points 0 out of 3 points 0 out of 3 points 0 out of 3 points Briefly describe the role that protein plays as a fuel source and the process through which it is metabolized Selected Answer Response Feedback None Given None Given Question 35 Selected Answer Response Feedback Selected Answer Response Feedback Briefly describe or list the characterists of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise and give an example of each Aerobic exercises are longer in duration for example a marathon runner Anaerobic exercises are shorter in duration for example weight lifting or doing a cardio workout None Given Question 36 What is the oxygen deficit At what two points during exercise will we see an oxygen deficit 2 5 out of 3 points The difference between the oxygen required for a given exercise intensity steady state and the actual oxygen consumption the two points during

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UTEP KIN 1303 - Exam 1

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