Lab Module 5 Approximate Densities and Specific Properties of Engineering Materials By Adam Brew School of Engineering Grand Valley State University EGR 251 Material Science Engineering Lab Lab Report Section 102 Instructor Dr Mahdi Norouzi September 23 2021 Abstract This lab was done to show how different engineering materials approximate densities compare to one another Also how the specific strengths and specific moduli of different types of engineering materials compare to one another And then to also see how the cost per unit strengths compare to one another For this lab the team was given 14 known samples of engineering materials to determine the volume and approximate densities of those materials Then to also determine how specific strengths and specific modulus and how they compare to one another Then to also determine how costs per unit strengths of the different engineering materials compare to one another Introduction The overarching objectives of this laboratory module were to first introduce students to the concepts of physical and mechanical properties of engineering materials Also to introduce the concepts of specific strength and modulus as in important means of comparing engineering materials for structural applications Then to enable students to understand why engineering materials with the highest strength and elastic modulus are not necessarily the best selections for some structural applications Also to be able to experimentally determine the approximate densities of different types of engineering materials Then to compare the specific strengths and moduli of different engineering materials And to finally relate specific properties and cost of engineering materials to their suitability for transportation applications Experimental Procedure V The samples of engineering materials were measured for length and diameter using digital calipers Then the volume of the specimen was calculated using equation 1 where V is the volume of the sample d is the measured diameter and h is the measured height of the sample Then the digital scale was used to measure the mass of each sample Then the approximate density of each specimen was calculated using equation 2 Where p is the calculated approximate density and m is the mass of the given sample and V is the volume of the sample Then using the values in table 1 1 the specific yield and tensile strengths i e strength to weight ratio and the specific modulus i e elastic modulus to weight ratio were calculated for each engineering material sample using equations 3 4 and 5 2 m V ys ys m 3 t s 4 t s m E 4 E m where ys is the specific yield strength ys is yield strength of the material m is the mass of the given sample t s is the specific tensile strength t s is tensile strength of the material E is the specific elastic modulus E is elastic modulus of the material Then the cost per unit yield strength and cost per unit tensile strength for each material were calculated and compared The cost per unit strength can be calculated by dividing the cost per kilogram of the material by the specific strength associated with the material Results The given values of yield strength tensile strength elastic modulus and cost per kg for the engineering materials to be studied can be seen in Table 1 1 The measured values of length diameter and mass along with the calculated values of density and volume can be seen in Table 1 2 Then using the values from table 1 1 and table 1 2 were used to calculate the values of Specific Yield Strength Specific Tensile Strength Specific Modulus Cost per unit Yield Strength and Cost per unit Tensile Strength can be seen in table 1 3 Then table 1 4 shows the theoretical values of density and experimental calculated density and the percent error between them The uncertainty in the measurements taken are 0 05mm in the calipers 0 05g in the scale and 25 mm in the ruler Table 1 1 Mechanical properties and relative costs of engineering material samples Tensile Strength kpa Elastic Modulus GPa Cost kg Material Titanium Al alloy 6061 O Al alloy 6061 T6 Al alloy 2024 O Al alloy 2024 T3 Brass Steel C1018 Ductile Cast Iron Pure Cu hot rolled Nylon 6 6 Polycarbonate Polypropylene ABS Polyvinyl Chloride PTFE High alumina Material Titanium Al alloy 6061 O Al alloy 6061 T6 Al alloy 2024 O Al alloy 2024 T3 Brass Steel C1018 Ductile Cast Iron Pure Cu hot rolled Nylon 6 6 Polycarbonate Polypropylene ABS Polyvinyl Chloride PTFE High alumina Yield Strength kPa 1 70E 05 5 50E 04 2 76E 05 7 50E 04 3 45E 05 1 13E 05 2 95E 05 2 76E 05 6 90E 04 6 90E 04 6 21E 04 3 41E 04 DNE 4 28E 04 DNE DNE 2 40E 05 1 24E 05 3 10E 05 1 85E 05 4 85E 05 3 33E 05 3 95E 05 4 14E 05 2 20E 05 9 45E 04 6 76E 04 3 62E 04 4 50E 04 4 62E 04 2 76E 04 4 17E 05 1 03E 08 6 90E 07 6 90E 07 7 24E 07 7 24E 07 1 10E 08 2 07E 08 1 69E 08 1 15E 08 2 69E 06 2 38E 06 1 35E 06 2 40E 06 3 30E 06 5 00E 05 3 80E 08 46 5 5 8 5 8 10 10 4 2 0 55 1 6 5 5 9 4 8 5 1 2 10 1 2 1 38 1 5 Table 1 2 Measured values of engineering samples Length m 0 0146 0 0187 0 0187 0 0214 0 0214 0 0118 0 0248 0 0152 0 0116 0 0489 0 0478 0 0416 0 0486 0 0483 0 0502 0 3 Diameter m 0 0128 0 0254 0 0254 0 0254 0 0254 0 0254 0 0317 0 0275 0 0254 0 0255 0 0254 0 0267 0 0254 0 0259 0 0192 0 0081 Volume m3 Mass kg 0 000001879 0 000009475 0 000009475 0 000010844 0 000010844 0 000005979 0 000019573 0 000009028 0 000005878 0 000024973 0 000024221 0 000023292 0 000024626 0 000025447 0 000014534 0 000015459 0 0083 0 0253 0 0253 0 0298 0 0298 0 0504 0 1532 0 0637 0 0518 0 0284 0 0289 0 0209 0 0254 0 0354 0 0313 0 0616 Density kg m3 4417 895266 2670 063562 2670 063562 2748 180009 2748 180009 8429 294251 7827 060282 7055 707612 8812 810992 1137 206252 1193 198315 897 305958 1031 430887 1391 126814 2153 516887 3984 735861 Table 1 3 Calculated values of engineering samples Specific Yield Strength kJ kg 4417 895 Specific Tensile Strength kJ kg 2351541997 634 Specific Modulus kJ kg 23314 269 Cost per unit Yield Strength kJ 1 208 Cost per unit Tensile Strength kJ 0 856 2670 064 281788119 545 25842 081 2670 064 281788119 545 25842 081 2748 180 253439374 566 26344 708 2748 180 8429 294 7827 060 253439374 566 1409781777 302 399888202 751 26344 708 13049 728 26446 711 7055 708 781522918 456 23952 240 8812 811 1137 206 1193 198 897 306 DNE …
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