Criminology Notes Criminology Scientific approach to studying criminal behavior Criminology is a multidisciplinary science involving Sociology psychology biology criminal justice political science economics and public policy Society wants to know why someone would commit a criminal act Criminologist Researchers who study the analytics and reasons surrounding crime Examples of criminological research Explorative research descriptive research explanation research application research Usually already know a problem but figuring out why is the struggle Criminal Justice System never deals with why something happens Criminology deals with why Deviant behavior Behavior not accepted by cultural norms Criminologists use various forms of data collection including Uniform Crime Report National Incident Based Reporting System National Crime Victimization Survey Self Report Survey UCR is the most widely cited source of official criminal statistics method Clearance rate An arrest being made for a crime According to statistics slightly more than 20 percent of all reported index crimes are cleared by arrest each year Less than 40 percent of criminal incidents are reported to police the majority are not The dark figure of crime is the amount of crime not reported to authorities thus not includes in statistical research National Crime Victimization Survey Found that 20 million individuals are victimized each year Self report survey research has several significant disadvantages including over and under reporting the amount of crime Many individuals may exaggerate their criminal activity or fail to recognize their criminal behavior Typology Criminologists who study criminal behavior systems and crime typologies emphasize research on certain criminal types and patterns domestic abuse property crimes etc Many criminal offenders are involved in specific criminality A theory is a set of interconnected statements or propositions that explain how two or more events or factors are related to one another In today s world the influence of the media leads to an increase in the publics fear of crime The consensus perspective holds laws should be endorsed in order to criminalize certain types of behavior The conflict perspective depicts society as a collection of diverse groups business owners workers professionals students who are in constant and continuing conflict The interactionist view of crime believes individuals act based on interpretations of reality Mala in se Inherently evil Chapter 2 Many criminologists who solely study victims of crime refer to themselves as victimologists Taxpayers are saddles with the cost of the criminal justice system thus victims of crime are important to study because as a taxpayer we all pay for victims of crime A common occurrence of victimization is PTSD The cycle of violence suggests a repetitive culture of violence and abuse is a prime example of how victimization can lead to antisocial behavior According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence women who have been abused are fifteen times more likely to abuse alcohol and nine times more likely to abuse drugs than women who have not been abused Fear can be increased by media sensationalizing crime within the community Men are twice as likely to be victims of a robbery but women are six times more likely to be victims of rape sexual assault and domestic violence Women are also more likely to be victimized by a family member friend or acquaintance compared to males The victim precipitation theory suggests some individuals may actually initiate the confrontation which eventually leads to their injury or death According to the Lifestyle theory a prostitute or drug dealer is more likely to be exposed to criminality then an average person Hence prostitutes and drug dealers are more likely to be victimized The deviant place theory stresses the greater exposure to dangerous places the more likely individuals will become victims of crime and violence Routine Activities Theory states the volume and distribution of predatory crime are linked to the interaction of three variables which reflect the routine activities of the typical American lifestyle Survey shows more than 75 percent of the general public has been victimized by crime at least once in their life The Omnibus Victim and Witness Protection Act passed in 1982 allowed the use of victim impact statements at sentencing in federal criminal cases California established the first victims compensation plan in 1965 however the federal government helps with these state funds Another significant problem with the restitution process is the socioeconomic status of the offender Research indicated in a majority of cases the offenders are too poor to make full restitution payments Currently every state jurisdiction permits victims to make an impact statement before the sentencing judge to show how the victimization affected their life Crisis intervention involves emergency psychological care directed at assisting a victim who is experiencing a crisis Assistance may involve anything from medical care to basic transportation and shelters A prime example of victimization and education is Heather s Law which requires high school students in Indiana to understand the dangers of dating violence Most mediation programs are part of the restorative justice movement which encourages reconciliation Many survivors of violent crime or relatives of victims have questions which can only be answered by the offender The program allow survivors families answers to questions and perhaps allow the offender to express remorse or ask for forgiveness Included in most victims rights bills are the following rights To be notified of proceedings and the status of the defendant to be present at any criminal justice proceedings to make a statement at sentencing and to receive restitution from a convicted offender to be consulted before a case is dismissed or a plea agreement entered to a speedy trial to keep the victim s contact information confidential Chapter 3 Rational Choice Theories Criminologists have always attempted to develop valid and reliable theories in order to interpret criminal behavior within society Some criminologists believe the root of all criminal behavior is based on a rational decisions As a result many rational choice theorists believe strict deterrence and harsh punishment is needed to reduce crime since law breaking is essentially a choice Thomas Hobbes suggested the idea of
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