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Chem 2090 Calendar and Syllabus John A Marohn August 28 2020 1 Course Information Instructor and Course Director Dr John A Marohn Professor jam99 cornell edu Laboratory Director Dr Cynthia Kinsland Senior Lecturer clk10 cornell edu Course administrator Mr Steve Hutchison Undergraduate Program Assistant chem2090 cornell edu Textbook Atkins 7e Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight Peter Atkins Loretta Jones and Leroy Laverman w h freeman Macmillan Learning New York 2016 ISBN 13 978 1 3192 4106 3 epub Alternate textbook General Chemistry 4th edition D A McQuarrie P A Rock and E B Gallogly University Science Books 2011 2 Lecture Calendar ending wk lecture topic 1 Introductory Lecture 2 Atoms and Molecules 3 Chemical Calculations 4 Gases 6 Thermochemistry 7 Chemical Thermodynamics 8 Phase Transitions 9 Chemical Equilibrium 9 Acids and Bases 9 Kinetics 11 Quantum Theory 14 Transition Metals 14 Periodic Trends 15 Lewis Structures 15 Molecular Geometries 16 Chemical Bonding textbook section s Marohn notes A and B E F G 3 H J L and M 3A to 3D 4A to 4E 4F to 4J 5A and 5B 5G to 5J J 6A to 6D 6F to 6H 7A and 7B 1A to 1F 9C and 9D 1F and 9A 1 2A to 2D 2E 2F and 2G ending lect 1 3 7 10 15 19 20 23 24 25 31 32 34 36 36 39 no of lect 1 2 4 3 5 4 1 3 1 1 5 5 1 5 2 1 5 0 5 3 1 3 Laboratory Calendar Experiments run on a Wednesday to Tuesday cadence ending wk laboratory topic 3 Check In and Safety 4 Density and Thermometry 5 Determination of Chemical Formulae 6 Recycling Aluminum 7 Complex Iron Salt Synthesis 8 Optical Spectroscopy 9 Acid Titration 10 Copper in a Penny 11 Gas Laws Check Out 15 Chemical Kinetics virtual start end 09 09 09 15 09 22 09 16 09 23 09 29 10 06 09 30 10 13 10 07 10 20 10 14 10 27 10 21 11 03 10 28 11 10 11 04 12 08 12 02 I will explain using real world examples why an engineer should be interested in learning chem istry 4 Chemistry Topics Covered 4 1 Introductory Lecture 4 2 Atoms and Molecules Sources Concepts Text A B Alt text 1 5 to 1 9 2 1 to 2 5 2 9 to 2 12 2 6 2 8 Units of Energy Accuracy and Percentage Error Precision and Signi cant Figures Dimensional Analysis Elements and Chemical Symbols States of Matter The Law of Constant Composition Dalton s Atomic Theory The Nucleus Protons Neutrons and Electrons Isotopes Ions Molecules Atomic and Molecular Mass 2 4 3 Chemical Calculations Sources Concepts Text E F G 3 H J L M Alt text 11 1 to 11 8 11 10 11 11 12 1 12 2 10 3 12 6 12 7 The Concept of Mole Avogadro s Number Simplest Formula Determination of Atomic Mass Molecular Formulas Combustion Analysis Coef cients in Chemical Equations Stoichiometry Limiting Reagent Percentage Yield Solutions Molarity Acids and Bases Acid Base Titrations Formula Mass from Titration Data 4 4 Gases Sources Text 3A to 3D Alt text 13 1 to 13 11 Concepts Measurements of Pressure Atmospheric Pressure Boyle s and Charles s Law Avogadro s Law Idea Gas Equation Determination of Molecular Mass Partial Pressures Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution Kinetic Theory and Root Mean Square Speed Graham s Law of Effusion 4 5 Thermochemistry Sources Text 4A to 4E 3 Alt text 14 1 to 14 4 14 8 14 9 14 5 14 7 14 6 Concepts Energy Work and Heat Enthalpy Enthalpy and Energy of Reaction Enthalpy Changes Calorimetry Bomb Calorimeters Molar Enthalpy of Formation Heat Capacity Molar Bond Enthalpies 4 6 Chemical Thermodynamics Sources Concepts Text 4F to 4J Alt text 23 1 to 23 10 Spontaneity of Reactions Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy and Disorder Entropy and Molecular Structure Entropy Changes for Reactions Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction and Spontaneity of Reactions Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction and the Reaction Quotient Relation of Gibbs Free Energy to Standard Gibbs Free Energy Gibb s Energies of Formation The van t Hoff Equation 4 7 Phase Transitions Sources Concepts Text 5A 5B Alt text 15 1 to 15 3 15 6 to 15 8 23 10 15 4 Molecules in Liquids and Solids Heating Curves Fusion and Vaporization Vapor Pressure Relative Humidity Phase Diagrams The van t Hoff Equation Intermolecular Forces 4 4 8 Chemical Equilibrium Sources Concepts Text 5G to 5J Alt text 19 1 to 19 9 The Connection Between Equilibrium and Thermodynamics Attainment of Equilibrium Dynamic Equilibrium Equilibrium Constant Expressions Pressure Equilibrium Constants Equilibrium Calculations Properties of Equilibrium Constants Le Chatlier s Principle Qualitative Le Chatlier s Principle Quantitative Approach to Equilibrium 4 9 Acids and Bases Sources Concepts Text J 6A to 6D 6F to 6H Alt text 20 1 to 20 3 20 5 to 20 9 21 1 21 2 Acids and Bases Ion Product Constant Strong Acids and Bases pH and Acidity Weak Acids and Bases Ka and Acid Strength Successive Approximations Henderson Hasselbalch Equation Buffers 4 10 Kinetics Sources Text 7A to 7B Alt text 17 1 to 17 5 17 8 17 9 Concepts Reaction Rates Rates and Time Initial Rates First Order Reactions 5 Half Lift of First Order Reactions Second Order Reactions Half Life of Second Order Reactions 4 11 Quantum Theory Sources Concepts Text 1A to 1F Alt text 4 3 to 4 9 5 1 to 5 8 Electromagnetic Spectrum Line Spectra of Atoms Standing waves vs traveling waves The Electromagnetic Spectrum The Photoelectric Effect Photons X ray Diffraction Electron Diffraction Wave Particle Duality The Bohr Model De Broglie Wavelength Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Schrodinger Equation Particle in a Box Quantization Electronic Transitions Quantum Theory for Atoms The Stern Gerlach Experiment Electron Spin Atomic Energy States Principle Quantum Number Azimuthal Quantum Number Magnetic Quantum Number Hydrogen Atom Wavefunctions Multielectron Atoms Pauli Exclusion Principle Electron Con gurations Hund s Rule 4 12 Transition Metals Sources Text 9C and 9D 6 Alt text 26 6 to 26 13 Concepts d Block Transition Metal Series Transition Metal Complexes Nomenclature of Transition Metal Complexes Polydentate Ligands Isomers d Orbital Splittings Electronic Con gurations Spectrochemical Series 4 13 Periodic Trends Sources Concepts Text 1F and 9A 1 Alt text 5 12 6 5 6 6 Atomic Radii Ionization Energies and Periodicity Ground State Con gurations of Transition Metal Ions Sizes of Ions 4 14 Lewis Structures Sources Concepts Text 2A to 2D Alt text 7 1 to 7 7 7 9 to 7 11 Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds Octet Rule and Lew Formulas Hydrogen and Lewis Formulas Formal Charges Multiple Bonds Resonance Hybrids Free Radicals Electronegatively Polar Bonds Dipole Moments 4 15 Molecular Geometries Sources Text 2E 7 Alt text 8 1 to 8 9 Concepts Molecular Shape The

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