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Chapter 5 Q 1 Describe the three uses i e aims of descriptive epidemiology and explain your answers in relation to the following health issue The obesity in the United States 0 66 pts Descriptive epidemiology is defined as the epidemiological studies and activities with descriptive components that are much stronger than their analytic components or that fall within the descriptive are of descriptive analytic spectrum This includes the 5ws of descriptive epidemiology the what health event diagnoses person who place where time when and causes risk factors and modes of transmission aka the why how Specifically concerning obesity in the US the uses include studying the variation of obesity and its frequency in the US organizing and analyzing data and accounting for how many people are affected by obesity and predicting how many more can be expected to face it are all aims of the use of descriptive epidemiology in confrontation with obesity in the United States Q 2 Describe the following descriptive epidemiological study designs including advantages disadvantages and explain their applications using the examples that are not discussed in the textbook You will need to search an internet for an appropriate example and when you refer to the sources make sure that you identify them appropriately 0 66pts a Case report or case series b Cross sectional study Chapter 6 Q 3 Describe the following causality models and explain using your own example 0 66 pts a deterministic model of causality note include the four combinations of causality model and explain b probabilistic causality model Q 4 Describe the Hill s criteria of causality as described in the textbook Choose THREE criteria that you think the most critical to establish the cause and effect relationship and explain your reasonings 0 59 pts Chapter 7 Q 5 Describe the following descriptive epidemiological study designs including their advantages disadvantages note you do not need to provide an example for each for this question 0 66 pts a Case control study b Cohort study design retrospective and prospective c Experimental design Q 6 8 We are interested in investigating the following research question what effect does physical activity have on obesity among college students Develop three research plans based on 1 casecontrol study 2 cohort study and 3 experimental study designs Make sure that you provide detailed descriptions explanations of your designs always try to explain why Q 6 Case control study design 0 59 pts describe how you will select case and control groups describe how you will measure the exposure and outcome i e operationalization describe what numerical information i e measures of association you will obtain from the study to address the research question Q 7 Cohort study design 0 59pts be sure to describe the type of cohort study designs e g retrospective prospective describe who are the population at risk and how the cohort sample will be selected describe how the exposed group will be determined describe how long the cohort will be tracked and how you will determine the outcome status describe what numerical information i e measures of association you will obtain from the study to address the research question Q 8 Experimental design 0 59 pts include the type of experimental study design e g randomized controlled trial quasiexperimental study describe an overview of study process such as recruitment group assignment experimental component e g how you will manipulate the exposure status outcome measure what numerical information you will calculate to address the research question

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VCU HPEX 358 - Chapter 5

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