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Name GEOL 1120 In Class Activity Quiz 1 Reflection This activity is designed to give you a chance to reflect on your quiz performance and more importantly on the effectiveness of your quiz preparation Please be candid in your responses to they will be valuable to you and to me These responses will have no impact on your grade but you will receive a participation mark for thoughtful reflection Question Reflection Question 1 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I got it wrong because I thought I remembered studying that Sulfur went with Sulfides It is a concept that I was not as strong on as the others Question 2 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I got it right because I studied all of the diagrams a lot I focused on looking over the plate diagrams by drawing them and writing descriptions Question 3 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I got this right because I studies the factors of why a rock is an ore I figured that it was important Question 4 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I studied the diagram about population and the pyramids Name Question 5 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I just used common sense to see that gravity was at play because of the layers Question 6 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I got it right because I studied all of the diagrams a lot I focused on looking over the plate diagrams by drawing them and writing descriptions Question 7 I got this question circle one right wrong The reason I think I got this question right wrong is A I just used common sense that Italy and most of Europe is declining in stage Name Study Habits Reflection Enter responses into the grey text boxes below After studying for this quiz what score as a percentage did you expect to earn on your individual quiz 90 After completing the quiz what score as a percentage did you think you had earned on your individual quiz What score as a percentage did you receive on your individual quiz Approximately how many hours did you spend studying for this quiz Did you study enough highlight or circle yes or no Could you have studied smarter highlight or circle yes or no What percentage of your quiz preparation time was spent in each of these activities Total should be 100 100 98 2 yes yes no no Reading PowerPoint slides Answering the clicker questions Reviewing your own notes Discussing course materials and questions with classmates Studying concepts and ideas Studying the relations between different concepts and ideas Other please specify below Reflect on your answers to the quiz questions that were reviewed in class Of the questions that were shown how many did you get wrong 1 Reflect on your answers to the quiz questions that were reviewed in class Estimate the percentage of points you lost due to each of the following Total should be 100 From careless mistakes From not being familiar with terms From not knowing facts 50 10 20 0 15 5 0 25 0 Name From not understanding concepts From not being able to apply concepts in new contexts From not seeing connections between concepts or facts From other reasons please specify below 25 25 25 0 Based on your responses to the questions above describe at least three things that you plan to do differently in preparing for the next quiz e g spend more time studying change a specific study habit try a new study habit etc If you do not plan on changing your study methods describe three things that you plan to continue to do in preparing for the next quiz 1 Look over notes more 2 Practice more 3 Read more What can I Emily do to help support your learning and your preparation for the next quiz Do everything the same

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Clemson GEOL 1000 - In-Class Activity

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