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EXSS 180 Physical Activity in Contemporary Society Spring 2022 What is 180 Writes This is an opportunity to record your thoughts on paper to reflect on a personal experience to refute a claim to explain a given quotation or to analyze a concept in assigned reading These assignments will be of varying topics length and preparation time Additional assignments may be added to the list below 180 Writes counts 10 of your final EXSS 180 grade Assignments Physical Activity autobiography o Individual work 3 5 pages o Due on the first day of class January 13 o Assignment Reflect upon your life of physical activity The joys disappointments challenges hopes dreams of change This paper can address a specific event as representative of your story or a longitudinal or historical perspective of your life so far Common Grounds o Group work 2 pages o In class during the Physical Activity in Society unit TBD Analysis of data from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans o Group work 1 page o In class during the Physical Activity unit TBD Environment and Falls o Group work 2 3 pages o In class during the Spheres of Physical Activity unit TBD Barriers to Physical Activity case study o Group work 1 2 pages o In class during Barriers to Physical Activity unit TBD Lessening the Barriers to Physical Activity in Our Lives o Individual work 1 2 pages o Due during Barriers to Physical Activity unit TBD Contemplation Activity What are the Values to Me if I am Physically Active o Individual work 1 2 pages o In class during Physical Activity Promotion unit TBD Contemplation Activity Make a Commitment o Group work 1 page o In class during Physical Activity Promotion unit TBD Various pop writing assignments or quizzes in class o Half page to 1 page TBD How Should I Prepare Read the assigned articles documents in each course unit Stay current in readings Always have a scantron with you What do I do if I am absent on a 180 Writes day If you are absent on a 180 Writes day that occurred IN class you will be expected to compete a make up assignment of the professor s choice If you are absent on a 180 Writes day that was DUE at the start of class the paper is still expected at the beginning of class You can submit the paper at a later time but with the understanding of point deductions How is 180 Writes graded You will receive a numerical grade for each assignment quiz Evaluation value will vary some assignments will count more than others All assignments will contribute to the 10 portion of EXSS 180 grades

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UNC-Chapel Hill EXSS 180 - Physical Activity in Contemporary Society

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