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Introduction to Programming System Design CSCI 455x 4 Units Description This course covers programming in Java and C Topics include review of basic programming concepts such as control structures functions and arrays coverage of more advanced programming topics such as classes recursion inheritance and linked lists use of a container class library to program with tools such as a map class and a sort function and an introduction to algorithm analysis There will also be an emphasis on good development techniques such as good code style and documentation unit testing and use of debugging tools A second goal of the course is to introduce the Linux programming environment including tools such as the shell simple shell scripts and makefiles Prerequisite minimal programming experience in some high level language can program with loops if statements and call and write functions with parameters Instructor Claire Bono Contact Info bono usc edu Lecture 3 hours week Lab 2 hours week Textbook Big Java Early Objects Enhanced eText 7th ed by Cay Horstmann Wiley ISBN 978 1 119 49909 1 Available on vitalsource com only 39 for a 4 month rental First lecture Zoom link for online lecture is available for DEN students and students participating from outside of the US because of Visa issues it will be available on d2l under Access to Online Lecture All on campus students are expected to attend classes in person Assignments Programming assignments are graded on thorough testing documentation and style as well as correctness All work to be submitted for the class is to be done individually unless an assignment specifies otherwise Late policy for programming assignments You may turn in a program up to two days late for a penalty of 10 of the available points So for example if you would have gotten a 70 100 you will get 60 100 instead not 63 After this two day grace period a late program receives no credit You will be using the Vocareum cloud based environment for program development to be introduced in the first lab In addition you may use an environment local to your machine e g IntelliJ Eclipse Visual C or command line plus text editor for developing programs Note Because licensing for your own copy of Java has recently changed you 1 Computing environment rev 8 18 21 will need a version of OpenJDK 1 8 rather than Oracle s JDK For more information see documents linked in the Java section of the Documentation course web page For programs you develop locally you are responsible for making sure your code compiles and runs on the Vocareum environment before submitting because we will be grading your programs there Vocareum uses Java 8 aka 1 8 and g 5 5 0 Labs The lab is intended for practicing some of the techniques learned in class on the computer in an environment where you can get immediate help from a lab assistant Labs meet online once a week for two hours Every week you will be given the lab exercises a few days before the lab some require some advance preparation You may work on or complete the lab exercises before the lab period if you wish but they are due during your lab section If you finish early you are free to leave once you get the lab checked off or spend the rest of the time working on your other CS 455 assignments Each set of lab exercises can earn you up to 3 5 points There be will up to roughly 50 lab points total To take some of the pressure off the lab score only 80 of the available points are applicable towards your final score in the class but scaled to be worth 10 of the total course score This gives you some leeway if you have to miss a lab or if you don t have time to solve all of the problems in the two hour session Accordingly if you have to miss a lab it s not necessary to contact the instructor Den students Den students will complete their labs remotely and submit them electronically Den students do not have to be available during the lab session They can get help on the lab or other assignments through zoom online office hours or by posting to the piazza discussion board or email to course staff Exams All exams are closed book closed note Makeup exams will not be given Absence due to a serious illness will be an acceptable reason for missing an exam and the final grade will be scaled accordingly The exam dates will be announced the first day of class Website bytes usc edu cs455 This is where you will get most of your course materials and has links to the following other platforms we are using d2l for videos of lectures and grades Vocareum for program development and grading piazza for electronic discussions and zoom for lectures labs and office hours Grading The following table shows the relative weight of each part of the course work At the end of the semester you will have a score out of 100 percent This score will be used in a class curve to arrive at a letter grade I guarantee that 90 will be some kind of A 80 will at least be some kind of B 70 will at least be some kind of C and that 60 will at least be some kind of D In class work Programming assignments Labs Midterm Exam 1 Midterm Exam 2 Final Exam 5 30 10 10 20 25 2 Total 100 Policy on regrades e g if you think there was a scoring mistake on your work you have until one week from when you get the graded work back to initiate a regrade We ll discuss the exact procedure for requesting a regrade once the course starts Academic Integrity The USC Student Conduct Code prohibits plagiarism All USC students are responsible for reading and following the Student Conduct Code which appears in the sections on University Student Conduct Code sections 10 00 16 00 in the current version of SCampus The relevant part of SCampus is available on the web at https policy usc edu scampus part b In this course we encourage students to study together This includes discussing high level general strategies to be used on individual assignments But it would not for example include jointly developing pseudo code for an assignment solution with another student All work submitted for the class is to be done individually unless an assignment specifies otherwise Also all exams are closed book closed note Some examples of what is not allowed by the conduct code copying all or part of someone else s work and submitting it as your own giving another student in the class a copy of all or part of your assignment solution or pseudo code for a solution making an assignment solution available to other students for instance putting it in a public github

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