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Marco Papa Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science Practice Computer Science Department CSCI 571 Web Technologies Syllabus Course Description This course focuses on the phenomenon known as the World Wide Web WWW or Web Its focus is to present many of the core technologies that the Web is based upon These core technologies include HTML and CSS HyperText Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol Web servers their configuration and performance properties Client side Programming Using JavaScript Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript XML and JSON JavaScript Object Notation Server side Programming Using Python and JavaScript In addition the course will also cover the following subsidiary topics Web Services REST Web Security and Privacy Tools Web Technologies for Mobile Phones Android and iOS Responsive Website Design Cloud Computing Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure AngularJS React and Node js Serverless Applications Microservices Containers AWS Lambda Google Cloud Functions and Azure Functions Learning Objectives By the end of the course you should have acquired the following skills Ability to write RESTful API applications Ability to set up Cloud services University of Southern California 941 Bloom Walk Los Angeles California 90089 0781 Ability to design and code back end scripts in Python and JavaScript Ability to design and code front end Web Applications Ability to design and code Mobile Apps in Swift SwiftUI or Java Kotlin Ability to design and code web front end asynchronous applications using AJAX Ability to design and code responsive web apps Ability to read Web Services API documentation and use it in building Web Ability to write Microservices and Containers technologies applications Two Exams Exam 1 around mid session Exam 2 at the end of the course Final Comprehensive Project Cloud Mobile application project submitted by video during Finals Week in lieu of Final Exam Grading Breakdown Assignments 60 Exam 1 Exam 2 20 20 Assignments Weights Assignment 3 10 pts Assignment 6 10 pts Assignment 8 15 pts Assignment 9 15 pts Grading Scale Grades will be based on a curve that operates in favor of the students with at least the following grades for a given percentage x If the average in the class is lower than 80 the average will become the cut off between a B and a C Important Note this grading scale is subject to change before the start of classes 73 x 77 70 x 73 67 x 70 63 x 67 60 x 63 x 60 x 93 90 x 93 87 x 90 83 x 87 80 x 83 77 x 80 C C D D D F A A B B B C Please note that for graduate students pursuing Master and Doctoral degrees B or higher should become a Pass when the student is on a P NP instead of Letter grade For undergraduate students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree C or higher should become a Pass when the student is on a P NP instead of Letter grade Sometimes the University changes these rules for P NP so contact your student advisor for details For additional information on In class Exam Rules Online Exam Rules Regrading Final Grade Please go to https csci571 com courseinfo html The latest lecture schedule from the current semester is available here http csci571 com lectures html

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